June 10, 2008

Catch up

Well, the job hunt is still on. It's a good thing we have some extra money right now or else we wouldn't have gotten too much done lately. I have two interviews tomorrow for office positions and they would both be really good so I hope one of them goes very well. I will make sure to let you all know. As for our house, it's pretty much all together. It feels like home to us and it's so fun to have a 2nd bedroom and lots of storage space. For our completion of our house, we have purchased 2 new couches, a computer desk and a Wii! We love it. The other exciting thing is that there are married couples that don't have kids in our complex and there is a little FHE group that get together every other week and we have alot of fun. It's also really nice to be in a ward where there are more married couples than just us. Our new ward is also really friendly and we just couldn't be happier right now. Here are some pictures of our apartment.

Our brother Justin and his girlfriend Lori got married on the 7th. We are so happy they finally got married and even more excited that we were able to go there and see it. We got to see all the family and hang out with them and it was just a blast. While we were in Mesa, we also got to go to a session down there which was a real treat for both of us since we haven’t been back to the Mesa Temple since we were married. I also am starting a new part time job in selling this awesome cookware which I bought a set of and will hopefully finish my training here in a few weeks and start making a little side money.

We were also able to go to Show Low for graduation weekend and see some old friends and the family there too. Nate got to go on a little fishing trip with one of his friends from high school and he really loved it. He wants to get a fishing license and make fishing a routine thing for him. He is also filling his mornings with his summer Geology class which he says will be really easy to pass. It's a 5 week class so it will probably go by fast. He has also been looking for a part time job on campus that will fill his afternoon but there doesn't seem to be much around here so we hope something comes up.
Other than that, we are just enjoying Arizona again and hoping the best happens soon. I promise I will try to keep things more updated on here.


Kara said...

Wow, new couches and a Wii! I'm jealous! I've been married for four years and I still don't have new couches. Sounds like Flagstaff is treating you well.

Kelly said...

We're glad you're enjoying Arizona so much. We miss you here in windy Alamosa though.