December 31, 2008

Bringing in '09

For New Years, we had a friend who was throwing a party at his house and alot of people from our complex went over there. I forgot to get pictures but it was alot of fun and there was a movie that ended just as we got there and then we played Apples to Apples and then some Imagineiff. It was alot of fun and we probably left at like 12:30. But the night was not over for us. We went to go see one of our friends who couldn't go to the party and we stayed at their house and played games with them too for a few hours. I came home earlier than Nate but it was a good New Years. Definately alot better than last year. Happy New Year everyone!

(Side note: Flagstaff has this funny thing on New Years in downtown, instead of having a ball drop like they do in Times Square, they have a giant thing shaped like a pinecone that drops at midnight. It sounds so cool and I definately want to go see it next year!)

December 28, 2008

Christmas (part 2)

The 2nd half for us, was going to see my mom for the weekend. We got to go down to Mesa and see my uncle and his family that live in Pennsylvania on Friday night which we were so excited for. One of my cousins that is the same age as me got to take a break from work in Utah to come down with them and we got to see each other. I miss hanging out with her. Well, we met up at our grandparents house and hung out. We ate pizza for dinner, talked, and played games. It was only for a few hours but it was totally worth it. I got these few random pictures and when I get a copy of the group picture I will post it.

Then, the next day, we had a few errands we were had to do in the valley and then we went to Show Low. We got there late in the afternoon and went to visit Nate's mom and enjoyed seeing her. She gave us a really cute present that she made herself and gave one to each of the kids. We didn't get to see any of the other family which we were really sad about, but we were glad we at least got to see Mom. For dinner, we got invited by our aunt to come over to her house and hang out and eat with them. It was so good to see all of them and I wish we had more time to spend with them, but we had to get going so that we could go home with my mom and family.

We got back out to my mom's house and hung out there for the rest of the night, playing with siblings and watching a movie. The next day, we went to church with them and were able to stay for dinner after church and then we had to be on our way so that we could get back home ourselves. It was a very eventful weekend and we had alot of fun.

We are glad the holidays came and I had so much fun getting to decorate and pull out all my Christmas stuff. I am mostly excited for next year because we bought a new and better Christmas tree for us and I really want to see what it will look like!

Christmas (Part 1)

Well, part 1 is actual Christmas day for us. I had to work the day after Christmas so we just decided to stay in Flagstaff for Christmas Day. It was very nice.

We slept in a little bit, until 8:45, and then I woke up and got all excited to open the few presents we had under the tree and the big breakfast we were going to have together. So, I made Nate get up and we opened presents. We first opened the present from our family in Colorado which was a bunch of awesome movies and some popcorn and kettlecorn to go with it. Then we had a present from my Aunt Cindy which was a book that she put together that was like memory book of my Grandpa (Papa) that died when I was 3 which I totally wasn't expecting. I almost cried when I opened it and I thank her so much for putting that together for everyone in the family. Then, my brother Dallin had us for Christmas and he got us the Rock em Sock em game. It's so much fun. We love having it and deciding things based on who wins. Then, we got a starter's kit for our food storage from my mom which I was hoping for so that I didn't have to go out and buy it. Finally, we got some money from our Granny to put to good use of course. All the gifts were so awesome. It was also wonderful to remember the reason behind Christmas and to read the story from the scriptures Christmas day.

Then, for the presents from each other, we just decided to get one big present for each other this year. I got Nate a bike so that he has an easier way of getting around campus during the semester which he got to pick out but it was still fun to buy it for him. Then for my present, I got a Wii Fit which will help me with one of my New Year's goals. I was so excited for it and am really glad now that I decided to get that instead of Rock Band.

Well, after we did presents, we made a breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs. Pretty much one of our favorites. After we ate, we watched one of our new movies together and then we had to get ready for dinner and get a few other things done. Nate took a part time job during the winter and he shovels snow in our apartment complex so he had to do a little shoveling that day and I had to get a few things picked up.

We had dinner that night with one of our friends who stayed here on Christmas day too and we had a ham, green bean casserole, salad and rolls. It was so good for the fact that we had cooked it ourselves. I also attempted to make pumpkin rolls. The are my favorite treat and they turned out ok. We were all satisfied with our meal. I wasn't thinking and didn't take any pictures, but we had alot of fun hanging out and talking after dinner.

That was pretty much our Christmas day. There was other stuff that weekend that is on the next post. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!

December 26, 2008


For a little group get together thing at our complex, one of the RA's decided to do a cookie decorating/make your own gingerbread house party. It was pretty fun. I had never made a gingerbread house before so we had to document the moment. Nate definately spent more time on his and it turned out really good, but I thought I did pretty good myself. It was nice to have
these as another little decoration in our house for the holiday.

December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I can't believe it is already Christmas Eve!!!! I am so excited.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! We love you all very much!

I will post about our own little Christmas day soon.

December 1, 2008

New Addition to our house

So, this is an amazing story. On Memorial Day, the thrift store Savers was having a 50% off sale and so I went there during my lunch break and realized that this sale was going on and I found myself a coat rack shelf that I had been wanting, so I got it and then I called Nate and told him that we needed to go back later and see what else they had that we could buy for half off. Well, we went back with our friends later that night and when we walked in, I could hear a piano playing. I had to stop and think because I didn't see a piano there earlier when I was there. So I immediately went to the back of the store and sure enough, there was a nice upright Baldwin piano that had been donated. I looked at the price tag and it was $160 dollars. That is a smokin' deal on a piano that looked really nice and only had a few stuck keys and needed to be tuned. So I was remembering that there was the half off sale and lucky us, the piano was half off. So I conviced Nate and we decided that we would buy it. So, that night, we got a $80 piano and we love it. We still need to get it tuned, but it makes our house feel like a home now. We love it.


Nate and I both have our birthdays in November, 8 days apart. We had alot of fun spoiling each other and going out to eat.
For my birthday, I had to work, but Nate was sweet enough to wake up and make me breakfast early and then later that night he took me out to Outback Steakhouse for dinner. For my presents he let me buy a few things I had been wanting. I got a new planner, I got to go down to the valley for the weekend and do a little shopping and see some people down there. I had a good 21st birthday and I love how sweet Nate was to me the whole day. I just love him to death.
Nate's birthday was good for him too. His was the day before Thanksgiving, so I got up and made him the breakfast he requested and then we drove to Durango that day for our Thanksgiving break. When we got there, Dad surprised us with dinner and the Palace restaurant where Nate enjoyed steak and I had some pasta. He also got to have this really good berry delight treat of some kind. It was so nice for my parents to do that. Thank you so much. I was able to get him a sweater he had been wanting, some jerky, a professional massage and some new shoes. I love him so much and am so glad I got to treat him on his birthday. He was just glad he didn't have to work or go to school on his birthday.


For Thanksgiving this year, we went to Colorado!!! We hadn't been there since we have moved so we were so excited to go. We stayed with my dad in Durango for the weekend and had a total blast. On Thanksgiving day, we started off at Mimi's house where we stuffed our faces to no end. The food was so good and it was alot of fun to see everyone.

Taylor and Mikayla catching snowflakes
It snowed almost the whole day

The parents talking

Mimi cleaning up

Playing games

After we stayed at Mimi's house for a few hours, we decided to head on over to Aunt Cindy's house and see the other side of our family. We missed the eating part but we got to eat some pies there. And not just any pies, but the best ever made by our very special Granny. While we were there, we talked and played Mexican train dominoes (i think that's what its called) and ate. It was so nice to see everyone. I was sad to leave though because we never get to see them because we live so far away and just being there for a few hours was not enough. Here are a few pictures from while we were there.

Uncle Dale, Aunt Dulce, Jordan and his girlfriend

Granny and Aunt Cyble

Eating pies

Helping Grandma Swanemyr out to the car

Playing Mexican train dominoes

Well, we thought Thanksgiving was over for us, but the next night, Granny and everyone that was at her house, came over to Dad's house for dinner the next night. That was really nice for all of us. We ate Navajo tacos, which were soooo good, and talked for a while and then Aunt Dulce saw Nate's tuba sitting downstairs and wanted to hear him play it, so there was a little show too. I was so glad we got to see them again before we left. I wanted to post this so that there was something new and I will get the rest of the pictures up soon.
After that night, we really just hung out all day Saturday. We went to Serious Texas BBQ, where they have the best taco's in the world. I love that place. We also went to the movie Four Christmas's. I would recommend seeing it if you haven't. Then we just spent the rest of the night with our family and then got up Sunday morning and left. We miss everyone so much and we are so glad we went and wish we could go more often.

First Snow

We had our first snowfall this year that stuck to the ground instead of just staying up in the mountains. Nate was very very excited for it and so I had to show the few pictures I took while it was snowing.