December 28, 2008

Christmas (Part 1)

Well, part 1 is actual Christmas day for us. I had to work the day after Christmas so we just decided to stay in Flagstaff for Christmas Day. It was very nice.

We slept in a little bit, until 8:45, and then I woke up and got all excited to open the few presents we had under the tree and the big breakfast we were going to have together. So, I made Nate get up and we opened presents. We first opened the present from our family in Colorado which was a bunch of awesome movies and some popcorn and kettlecorn to go with it. Then we had a present from my Aunt Cindy which was a book that she put together that was like memory book of my Grandpa (Papa) that died when I was 3 which I totally wasn't expecting. I almost cried when I opened it and I thank her so much for putting that together for everyone in the family. Then, my brother Dallin had us for Christmas and he got us the Rock em Sock em game. It's so much fun. We love having it and deciding things based on who wins. Then, we got a starter's kit for our food storage from my mom which I was hoping for so that I didn't have to go out and buy it. Finally, we got some money from our Granny to put to good use of course. All the gifts were so awesome. It was also wonderful to remember the reason behind Christmas and to read the story from the scriptures Christmas day.

Then, for the presents from each other, we just decided to get one big present for each other this year. I got Nate a bike so that he has an easier way of getting around campus during the semester which he got to pick out but it was still fun to buy it for him. Then for my present, I got a Wii Fit which will help me with one of my New Year's goals. I was so excited for it and am really glad now that I decided to get that instead of Rock Band.

Well, after we did presents, we made a breakfast of pancakes and scrambled eggs. Pretty much one of our favorites. After we ate, we watched one of our new movies together and then we had to get ready for dinner and get a few other things done. Nate took a part time job during the winter and he shovels snow in our apartment complex so he had to do a little shoveling that day and I had to get a few things picked up.

We had dinner that night with one of our friends who stayed here on Christmas day too and we had a ham, green bean casserole, salad and rolls. It was so good for the fact that we had cooked it ourselves. I also attempted to make pumpkin rolls. The are my favorite treat and they turned out ok. We were all satisfied with our meal. I wasn't thinking and didn't take any pictures, but we had alot of fun hanging out and talking after dinner.

That was pretty much our Christmas day. There was other stuff that weekend that is on the next post. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!!!


Kara said...

Well, it looks like you guys had a nice Christmas! We got a Wii for Christmas and you'll have to tell me how you like the Wii Fit, cause that's something I really want to get in the next few months or so. I'm so happy that you love your book about Papa so much. It will be such a neat thing to have to show your kids someday and you can learn a lot about your Papa that you really didn't get to know! Anyways, you look great as always!

Cindy Swanemyr said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas. We missed you here. I'm so glad you liked the life story of Papa. I actually had alot more information but had to condense it to fit in the book. Maybe someday I'll compile everything I got and make an addition. It was very fun and interesting to do. I'd like to do one on Granny, but I will need some input from you so be thinking. Happy New Year!!