September 27, 2009

Getting out for the weekend

After almost 3 months of not leaving Flagstaff because Nate was on call on weekends for his job, we finally broke down and asked someone to cover for him and went to Show Low. It was so relaxing and felt so good to get out. We left Friday after I got off work and we were going to meet some friends in Show Low for the high school football game against Round Valley. I miss being able to go to those. Nate and I were faithful going students in high school since we were in band, so going there brought back lots of memories. We of course won and Nate of course went and got a sousaphone and played a little bit with the band. I was able to hang out and visit with old friends and so we both had a really good time. After the game we went home and just went to bed. The next morning, we made reservations earlier in the week to go to a temple session and my mom came with us. It was so nice to be back in the temple again and someone pointed out to me that this was one of the times that Nate and me and the baby will be in the temple at the same time until he gets ready to go on his mission. That made the day a little more meaningful and it was a good experience. Afterward, my mom took us out to lunch and pregnant lady decided to do Taco Bell. I love that place. It definitely goes on the list of craving spots for me. After that we headed home and I stayed there the rest of the day! I took a nap and just watched movies with my siblings and helped my mom make chocolate chocolate chip zucchini bread. It was so good! I felt like such a lazy bum but it was good for me. Nate went into town to visit some family and friends and he had to take his tuba with him to practice for a class on Monday. He had fun and didn't get home til late but it was good for him. Then sunday, we got up, went to church, came home and ate, watched yet another movie and then it was time for us to come home so that Nate could go to a group meeting. It was such a nice weekend and totally the definition of a relaxing weekend. Thanks for letting us stay with you Mom!
Also, Nate was really nice to me and gave in to my wish of having my mom take pictures of us while we were at the temple. They turned out cute.
Oh, a side story. My brother is almost 18 which means he needs to hurry and finish his duty to god award things by his birthday which is in like 10 days. So one of the requirements is that he has to do a 15 mile hike and he is suppose to do it while he is camping with a quorm, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon, so he did it all on his own. He loaded up a camping backpack with everything he would have taken camping with him and hiked 15 miles into town from Pinedale and then he had his car there so he could drive back. We had a fun send off for him but I felt so bad for him walking all by himself on the side of the highway. He did good though but it took him like 6 or 7 hours and was all sunburned when he got home. He is awesome. I love my brother.
getting his pack readyhis first step

September 24, 2009

20 week appointment

I had an appointment on Tuesday night and it went really well. We got there and she checked my weight and I am proud to say that I have gained 15 pounds. I now weigh 132. Then we got in there to see the doctor and she pulled out her little monitor and put it on my stomach to try and hear the heartbeat. She asked me if I had been able to feel the baby move yet, which I haven't and I am a little bummed about, but when she put the monitor on my stomach, she first got to my heartbeat and then as she was moving it around and trying to find the baby's heartbeat, she couldn't find it at first. All the sudden we heard this thump and she asked me if I could feel that and I said no, but we could hear him definately moving around and squirming around in there. He was being so stubborn that it took her like a minute or two before she could get a good sound of the heartbeat to make sure it was normal. Everything checked out ok and that was the end of the appointment. It was so cute to know that he is moving around like crazy in there. He is definately his father's child. I am also a little nervous for me to start feeling him because when we heard him and saw him at our ultrasound, he has just been moving like crazy and I don't know how comfortable it will be to feel him all the time. It's all exciting though.

Here is pictures of me at 20 weeks.

I think that whole sickness thing is pretty much over, either that or it's just not gonna get any better than this until the end of the pregnancy. I have noticed that this kid doesn't really like me to eat anything healthy. Nothing that is green sounds or looks good to me and so i don't eat salads or have lettuce on my sandwiches or anything like that. Even green beans were hard to eat the other night. All I feel like eating is carbs and my biggest craving lately has been pizza. I have no idea why and I feel so unhealthy, but my doctor said not to worry about it too much.

It's so cute to see Nate talk to my belly and kiss it goodnight and just call and ask me how the baby is doing. He is going to be such an awesome dad and he is thrilled beyond words that we are having a boy. I love both my boys!

September 20, 2009

New House additions

Now that we know we are having a boy, I have started to do my shopping. We have a few purchases that we love and we have had some things given to us which we love even more. Here are some of the things I can take pictures of at the moment.
the first and most important is my glider rocker/recliner with an ottoman. I am in love with it and am so glad we found it new at such a good price. It is really comfy and has everything I wanted in a chair for pregnancy.These are just way too cute onesies that I couldn't help but buy. Nate actually told me about a sale at Kohl's that was going on Saturday and said I could go get a few baby things. So, we went and found these for $4 each and so now the idea of a boy is really hitting me. I think I will have fun dressing him up and making him handsome.
This is just the cutest picture frame that we just couldn't help but buy. It says mom+dad=me and there are pictures for each of us. Just too cute, that's all.
We also got this amazing stroller, for free. It's a very nice jogging stroller and a girl that I work with who is also pregnant, bought it at a garage sale and then she got a nicer one and didn't need it anymore so she gave it to us. We are really excited to use it.
This is a multi shot. I bought these off craigslist and I got a wrap around stomach pillow, i think it's called a boppy pillow, and a baby bjorn carrier, and also a monitor set. They were all such a great deal that I couldn't resist. I am way excited to use all of them.

That is everything I can take pictures of. We have a crib and a swing as well, but the swing is broken down because we haven't quite figured out how we are going to arrange everything, and the crib has a bunch of stuff in it that we aren't sure what to do with either. I am looking at crib sets and stuff though and I think I found the one that I want so once I buy that I will want to put the crib together and get everything all set up. It's all just so exciting. YAY!

September 12, 2009

Today was the day...

We found out whether we were having a boy or a girl. Alot of people thought we were having a girl and I wanted a girl but our gut feeling was boy.

Well, it's a BOY!!!!

The arrow is showing that he is clearly a boyside picture
top look of his face and stomachhis little feet(this is probably my favorite picture)

I couldn't believe everything we saw today. They checked everything to make sure the baby was growing right and measuring out right and i couldn't believe how much he was moving around in there. I haven't really been able to feel him yet but now I am afraid to because it seemed like he was just trying to get out of there. It was such a sweet experience and we just couldn't help but smile the whole time.
We have already picked out a name for the little guy and we are so excited to start buying stuff now. I have been very patient and now reality is starting to sink in with me that this is really happening.

September 5, 2009

I am a bad blogger

I am very sorry for the bad blogging. I get my morning sickness at night usually so when I come home from work, I think about nothing but laying on my couch and feeling better and not looking at a computer screen anymore. I did a really good job of cleaning my house yesterday, so today I am going to update my blog! We haven't been up to much of anything lately. There are a few posts below that were big events but, other than that it has just been work and now school for Nate.
I have been really busy at work and I don't know what happened that made me have something to do all the time, but it's nice and I enjoy working there.
Other than the normal stuff going on. I am just growing a belly and it's now noticeable to everyone and they tell me how cute it is and so the fact that I am pregnant is sinking in more. I am trying to be really patient and wait for the baby to kick so that I have a constant reminder and a peace of mind that my baby is still in there. We get to find out September 12th whether we are having a boy or a girl!!! I of course want a girl and Nate of course wants a boy, but we will see what happens. We will be so happy either way. I am trying to be really good and not buy stuff until I know what I am having. So far, I am doing really good at just looking and not buying. I can't wait though.
The only other exciting thing that I we are really excited for is that we get insurance starting this week!!!! I can only sign up for insurance at certain times at work, so I got signed up and we are effective September 1st. This will be such a blessing for us not only because we are having a baby and it's not cheap, but because now Nate can go to the doctor when he needs to and I don't have to worry so much about him. I am so excited.
Below are some updated pregnant pictures at 16 weeks.
These pics were taken on the same night but my belly is two different sizes, wierd
Nate wanted to compare who had the bigger belly.

September 4, 2009

Cardinal fever

I didn't know this until last year, but every year, the Arizona Cardinals come up to NAU for their summer camp and practices for the month of July. They have open practices for the community to go watch and sometimes they will hang out and take pictures and sign autographs. We went and watched one of their practices and had a blast. I just wanted to say that I saw the cardinals. Some of those guys are really huge! We got some cool team stuff for free too.

Cupcake Party

We didn't even know this little event was happening in our complex, but we went to a cupcake decorating party. Our friend has this whole kit for decorating cupcakes and Nate got all excited real quick so we stayed and decorated.


So, I am so glad that this girl lives up here now.
My little sister. We had alot of fun going over to her house a couple weeks ago. All us girls went over and got our hair cut. She was awesome and we had fun. I only have some before and during pictures. Mary has all the after pictures. Some cuts were more drastic than others. I just got a trim. Thanks so much Amanda!!! I love ya!