September 24, 2009

20 week appointment

I had an appointment on Tuesday night and it went really well. We got there and she checked my weight and I am proud to say that I have gained 15 pounds. I now weigh 132. Then we got in there to see the doctor and she pulled out her little monitor and put it on my stomach to try and hear the heartbeat. She asked me if I had been able to feel the baby move yet, which I haven't and I am a little bummed about, but when she put the monitor on my stomach, she first got to my heartbeat and then as she was moving it around and trying to find the baby's heartbeat, she couldn't find it at first. All the sudden we heard this thump and she asked me if I could feel that and I said no, but we could hear him definately moving around and squirming around in there. He was being so stubborn that it took her like a minute or two before she could get a good sound of the heartbeat to make sure it was normal. Everything checked out ok and that was the end of the appointment. It was so cute to know that he is moving around like crazy in there. He is definately his father's child. I am also a little nervous for me to start feeling him because when we heard him and saw him at our ultrasound, he has just been moving like crazy and I don't know how comfortable it will be to feel him all the time. It's all exciting though.

Here is pictures of me at 20 weeks.

I think that whole sickness thing is pretty much over, either that or it's just not gonna get any better than this until the end of the pregnancy. I have noticed that this kid doesn't really like me to eat anything healthy. Nothing that is green sounds or looks good to me and so i don't eat salads or have lettuce on my sandwiches or anything like that. Even green beans were hard to eat the other night. All I feel like eating is carbs and my biggest craving lately has been pizza. I have no idea why and I feel so unhealthy, but my doctor said not to worry about it too much.

It's so cute to see Nate talk to my belly and kiss it goodnight and just call and ask me how the baby is doing. He is going to be such an awesome dad and he is thrilled beyond words that we are having a boy. I love both my boys!


The Rector Clan said...

Don't worry about the kicking! :) When you get to feel the baby kick for the first time it's AMAZING...and then just wait until Nate gets to feel it...the look of excitement on his face will be the best feeling in the world. My baby is definitely a squirmy little one, but it's been fun. Only recently has some of the kicks become uncomfortable...but it's just amazing knowing that she's doing great in there. The more they move, the better you feel because you know they are ok. :) Have fun!!

amber said...

Its great to hear the baby is growing so well! I didn't feel any movement until about 21-22 weeks, now I feel it all the time! enjoy the quiet while you can... as for the food cravings, I couldn't even look at vegetables for a LONG time. It will get better. Good luck!

RiChArd and MeReDitH said...

I didn't know you guys had a blog. I am definetely going to add you to my list! As far as worrying that you will be uncomfortable when you finally start to feel the baby move. They said that our baby was super active too and I loved feeling it move! I miss it so much! Enjoy every minute that you are pregnant...sounds funny but I miss it alot! But I am happy to have him here.