September 27, 2009

Getting out for the weekend

After almost 3 months of not leaving Flagstaff because Nate was on call on weekends for his job, we finally broke down and asked someone to cover for him and went to Show Low. It was so relaxing and felt so good to get out. We left Friday after I got off work and we were going to meet some friends in Show Low for the high school football game against Round Valley. I miss being able to go to those. Nate and I were faithful going students in high school since we were in band, so going there brought back lots of memories. We of course won and Nate of course went and got a sousaphone and played a little bit with the band. I was able to hang out and visit with old friends and so we both had a really good time. After the game we went home and just went to bed. The next morning, we made reservations earlier in the week to go to a temple session and my mom came with us. It was so nice to be back in the temple again and someone pointed out to me that this was one of the times that Nate and me and the baby will be in the temple at the same time until he gets ready to go on his mission. That made the day a little more meaningful and it was a good experience. Afterward, my mom took us out to lunch and pregnant lady decided to do Taco Bell. I love that place. It definitely goes on the list of craving spots for me. After that we headed home and I stayed there the rest of the day! I took a nap and just watched movies with my siblings and helped my mom make chocolate chocolate chip zucchini bread. It was so good! I felt like such a lazy bum but it was good for me. Nate went into town to visit some family and friends and he had to take his tuba with him to practice for a class on Monday. He had fun and didn't get home til late but it was good for him. Then sunday, we got up, went to church, came home and ate, watched yet another movie and then it was time for us to come home so that Nate could go to a group meeting. It was such a nice weekend and totally the definition of a relaxing weekend. Thanks for letting us stay with you Mom!
Also, Nate was really nice to me and gave in to my wish of having my mom take pictures of us while we were at the temple. They turned out cute.
Oh, a side story. My brother is almost 18 which means he needs to hurry and finish his duty to god award things by his birthday which is in like 10 days. So one of the requirements is that he has to do a 15 mile hike and he is suppose to do it while he is camping with a quorm, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon, so he did it all on his own. He loaded up a camping backpack with everything he would have taken camping with him and hiked 15 miles into town from Pinedale and then he had his car there so he could drive back. We had a fun send off for him but I felt so bad for him walking all by himself on the side of the highway. He did good though but it took him like 6 or 7 hours and was all sunburned when he got home. He is awesome. I love my brother.
getting his pack readyhis first step

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