September 20, 2009

New House additions

Now that we know we are having a boy, I have started to do my shopping. We have a few purchases that we love and we have had some things given to us which we love even more. Here are some of the things I can take pictures of at the moment.
the first and most important is my glider rocker/recliner with an ottoman. I am in love with it and am so glad we found it new at such a good price. It is really comfy and has everything I wanted in a chair for pregnancy.These are just way too cute onesies that I couldn't help but buy. Nate actually told me about a sale at Kohl's that was going on Saturday and said I could go get a few baby things. So, we went and found these for $4 each and so now the idea of a boy is really hitting me. I think I will have fun dressing him up and making him handsome.
This is just the cutest picture frame that we just couldn't help but buy. It says mom+dad=me and there are pictures for each of us. Just too cute, that's all.
We also got this amazing stroller, for free. It's a very nice jogging stroller and a girl that I work with who is also pregnant, bought it at a garage sale and then she got a nicer one and didn't need it anymore so she gave it to us. We are really excited to use it.
This is a multi shot. I bought these off craigslist and I got a wrap around stomach pillow, i think it's called a boppy pillow, and a baby bjorn carrier, and also a monitor set. They were all such a great deal that I couldn't resist. I am way excited to use all of them.

That is everything I can take pictures of. We have a crib and a swing as well, but the swing is broken down because we haven't quite figured out how we are going to arrange everything, and the crib has a bunch of stuff in it that we aren't sure what to do with either. I am looking at crib sets and stuff though and I think I found the one that I want so once I buy that I will want to put the crib together and get everything all set up. It's all just so exciting. YAY!


Cindy Swanemyr said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting. I bet you guys can't hardly wait. But quit buying things--what are the rest of us going to get you if you already get it all??? Love ya lots!!! Send me pics of your little tummy--I can't imagine it--you're always so skinny.

Mary said...

Those are really cute little onesies! I like!