November 28, 2009

Our nontraditional Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was very nontraditional for us. We got up and got ready for the day and then we actually went out to eat for our Thanksgiving dinner. We had tried to plan dinner with some friends around here but plans kept changing, so we just decided to go out to eat instead of buying all the food and making a whole meal for just the two of us. So, we found a place on campus that took our meal plan money and got all dressed up and went there. They had a brunch buffet and it was so good. I especially like that with the cost of your meal, you also got a free 5x7 photo with the photographer that they had there. I am excited to get that. It was the first time that we had both not eaten Thanksgiving dinner at home, but we were ok with that this one time. Next year we will make sure that we do things proper with the baby.

After dinner, Nate wanted to go to the Grand Canyon for his birthday activity. We are only like an hour and fifteen minutes away, so we got in the car and went. It was nice to have that alone time together and everything was gorgeous when we got there. We had alot of fun but couldn't stay for very long because it was really cold and windy and starting to get dark.

When we got back, we went and hung out with our friends Zack and Kelly and watched GI Joe with them and then just stayed up late talking. We had also planned on going to do a little black friday shopping in the morning. Nate, the wonderful husband that he is, knew that I was exhausted and needed to sleep because I had to work that friday, so he went to Wal-mart and toughed out the crowds for me. We really wanted the game rock band, but that was out by the time he got there, so he got me a collage picture frame that I wanted and then saw this amazing deal on winter coats that we were both in desperate need of and got one for each of us. I was so grateful he did that and told him that he never has to do black friday shopping ever again, unless he wants to.

We enjoyed our thanksgiving, but did miss being able to be with all of our family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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