January 3, 2010

34 weeks

I had an appointment at 32 weeks. We had to get another ultrasound because they found some scar tissue in me. They said that if it got worse, it could determine if I would have to deliver by c-section. Thankfully, they said everything looks good right now so hopefully it stays that way. The technician said that she could see his hair on him and she said that his body was measuring normal but his head was measuring two weeks farther along. He is going to be a big boy. I keep having this feeling that he is going to come early, so we will see what happens. She said he was weighing around 5 pounds then, and i think he has probably gained another pound since then. It was so awesome to see him and see his mouth opening and closing and actually see him with skin on rather than just a skeleton. We are getting more and more excited every day for him to come. We just spent this weekend re organizing our house so that we have room for his stuff. It is so fun.profileface


Christina said...

Brooke - he is beautiful. So glad everything is okay. Can't wait to hold him!

Quinn said...

Yay that things are good! Hang in there, you're almost over, and I'm sure you dont' need any reminding!