January 28, 2010

38 weeks

I have 2 weeks left. 2 WEEKS!!! I had an appointment on Wednesday and everything is going good. His heartbeat is good and he's measuring right on. I am measuring the same as last week, just dilated almost 2 centimeters and 75% effaced. We tried all kinds of things this last weekend to try to induce labor, but I guess they didn't do too much. She did give us the option of inducing at week 39, which is the 5th. We are talking about whether we will do it or not. I am excited to have him here and to be a mom, but I'm also scared to death about having him here and being a mom. I know my life is going to change so much and I am just really nervous. I'm sure it will all change once he is here. Here are pictures of my right now and I had to take a picture of my cankles because I just can't believe how bad they are. I have gained 60 lbs and have swollen really bad, mostly on my hands and feet and face. I can't wait to have most of my old body back.


Kara said...

Oh sweetie! I'm so sorry about the cankles! That looks miserable and painful. It will all go away though and I'm sure you'll bounce right back. Good luck with your decision about induction. I know the feeling, believe me. Just make sure you pray about it and do what you feel is best for you and the baby. Dr's like to schedule things so that it works out best for them sometimes. Just make sure you know that's what you want to do. You'll be fine and you'll be a great mom!

Tiffany Desiree said...

I can't believe how fast 9 months went! Crazy! Life really is going to be different. Good luck with everything, and keep your blog updated so I can keep spying on you!

laneybug said...

I am so excited for you girl!! You will be an amazing mommy!! Keep your blog up, I can't wait to hear all about your new little bundle of joy!! Love ya!!

Cindy Swanemyr said...

Oh,you look miserable!!! I really feel for you--but you're almost there!!! Yeah!! Can't wait to see how fast you bounce back to your old skinny self. It won't take long. Good luck. How big do they think he is? Hope all goes well. I finally got some shopping done for you today. I'll be sending a package in a day or two. Keep us posted. Love ya

Jill said...

Sorry you are feeling so miserable. It will all be worth it soon! We are thinking of you guys and can't wait for the good news that he is here!

Christy said...

You are going to love being a Mom. I wish you the best of luck! Yes it is scary but honestly way worth it in the end. You look very cute pregnant btw, even though you probably just feel big. It's tough work growing a baby.