January 13, 2010

One month left....

I can't believe I only have one month left until my due date. I think we have pretty much everything organized and ready to go. After our big reorganizing of the house a few weeks ago, we have a lot of baby stuff out and ready to go. His room is almost decorated and I we realized that we can't wait for very much longer, but he still needs to grow a little more. me at 34 weeks

I definitely am starting to get scared though. Scared for going through labor and scared to be a mom. I know a lot of first time mom's are like that so any advice you can give me is great.


Spencer and Chelsea Coon said...

i was terrified! i mean of course i couldnt wait and i was so excited but labor is just the beginning...its the no sleep and your endless schedules that catch up to you. Honestly get lots of rest now and be prepared to live off of no sleep haha. Labor was NOT BAD for me...epideral was amazing. They are absolutely so worth it all and you will LOVE being a mom. Its such an incredible experience...good luck girly, i know you will be an amazing mommy! Im so happy for you!

Kara said...

Just get an epidural and everything will be fine! You'll be a great mom. It will be one of the hardest things you've ever done and the most rewarding at the same time. I love ya and will be here for you if you ever need to talk or cry or whatever! Good luck!

Mary said...

My advice for labor and delivery: read the book I gave ya and talk to me about it. Advice for afterwards: take me up on babysitting when you need a few hours of sleep...you know I owe you tons.

RiChArd and MeReDitH said...

I was really worried about the same things. But looking back I had nothing to really worry about. It is amazing the second they are born you love them so much more than you could ever imagine. Also, you feel like you have an incredible bond already from the minute they are born. It is truly amazing..and so incredibly worth every minute of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. You both will be great parents. Little Kayton is lucky to have you!

Liz said...

I honestly don't think there is anything I can say to get you ready for labor. After everyone telling me about it and reading about it, it was still nothing like I expected. As for motherhood, sleep when he sleeps. Honestly, even if your place is a complete mess, just sleep. Otherwise you will be a very tired lady. I was glad my mom was able to stay with my for a couple weeks, and help remind me to sleep. You'll do awesome. He'll be here in no time!!

Cole and Katie said...

Brooke! You look great, I wished I looked like that at 34 weeks!!! My only advise is that it will go by so fast you wont remember and its nothing to worry about b/c no matter how prepared you are (or unprepared, like me:) it really doesn't make a difference! You will do great and will have a beautiful baby boy and that's all that matters!!! XOXO Katie

Zach said...

Well what I would tell you is that if your going to breastfeed read up on it. It is a lot harder than it seems, but so worth it. I know lots of tricks if you ever have any questions. Also realize that your baby will need to eat every 2 to 3 hours and that may seem like a lot but if you can prepare mentally for that I think it will help. Do worry to much about your labor and delivery. I had a c-section, which I didn't want and wasn't expecting. Everything will happen the way it's suppose to. You'll love being a Mom though, it is so much fun, I love it! Oh and just enjoy them don't worry all the time! Good luck! This is Christy btw