May 28, 2010

Saying goodbye

The end of this semester means lots of our friends are moving on to bigger and better things and places. We said goodbye to our friends Mike and Mary and their kids Jack and Daisy. We have had sortof a group of us here on campus that started hanging out together when we first moved here. Now, it's down to practically us and the Tuckers. It feels like the end of an era to see them go. They have been great friends and neighbors and we consider them some of our best friends. They are going to be in AZ for a few more weeks so we will see them once or twice, but they will soon be in the Caribbean for school for a few years. Good luck to you guys!

May 27, 2010

Things about my pregnancy

I have done alot of different things since I have been pregnant and I wanted to make a post about them so I remember what it was like with my first child.

-I can't eat lettuce. It will not stay in me I just don't know what it is. Lettuce and almost anything green. This kid just doesn't like healthy food.

-I got sick in the morning and at night.

-I figured out that if I didn't eat breakfast until I got to work then I wouldn't throw up whatever I would eat. I think I have literal motion sickness. If I eat and then get up right after and keep doing stuff then I get sick.

-This kid only like carbs and fatty not healthy things

-It's 22 weeks and I still cannot feel him kicking

-I had such a flat stomach before that when I first was starting to stretch, I felt like I had rolls and it has been very uncomfortable to sit.

-I have eaten alot of things with ham and cheese. Lunchables, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, almost anything you can think that falls under that category.

-I drool alot more in my sleep

- I am now 24 weeks and my ankles are almost cankles. I have gained 30 pounds and it's starting to show a little bit. I just hope I don't blow up like a balloon

-I get pains at the top of my legs all the time. They hurt when I get up from sitting down, when I get up from laying down and when I sit down from standing too long. There is no pleasing the top of my legs

-I luckily don't feel sick anymore, unless of course I go for too long without eating. I still eat about six times a day and sadly, still not alot of healthy food going in. I'm trying though

May 23, 2010


Today was a special Sunday.

We started out by eating our favorite breakfast together, German Pancakes. It cooked so awesome, I just had to put a picture on here. Then, we dropped off Kayton at our friends house and were able to go to the temple dedication for the Gila Valley LDS temple. This temple is special to us because that was where we were living when we met and got engaged and lived for the first 2 months we werer married. It was so great. The first counselor and his wife in the temple presidency talked, then President Eyreing talked, then President Monson. President Eyering and Monson were both able to tell stories of times they visited the Gila Valley which was so cool that they were somehow connected to the area. Everything was amazing and we can't wait until we are able to go down there and do some work in the temple.

Three Year Anniversary

It has been 3 whole years! I can't believe how far we have come in 3 years. We were talking the other day about all that has happened with us and this is what we came up with. We have moved 5 times in 3 years. We have had 1 kid in 3 years. We have only spent 3-5 days apart in 3 years. We have had many fights, many funny and happy moments. We have gone through a few jobs and seem to have found the ones that we like. We have learned things about each other and there are some things that we love and some things that we hate. We have learned to compromise. We have learned what things make each other happy when we are having a bad day. We have learned how to love. I love my husband soooo much. He has made me a better person and I am so glad to know that I get to be with him for eternity. Thanks for the best 3 years of my life Nate!

For celebration that night, we had gift cards to go to Olive Garden. So we went and had our favorites. Yummy! Then we went to the theater and saw the new Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe. It was hard for me to leave Kayton with a friend since the nights are my time to spend with him, but it was also really nice to have a night of just me and Nathan. It made me remember how in love I am with him. When we got back from the movie, there was a surprise on my table waiting for me.
Nate had our awesome friend Janina make a special cake for me and also had a dozen of my favorite flowers sitting on the table. Our friend can make anything and is a dessert/baking queen. You can check out her blog I had no idea what he was doing. We both aren't very good at keeping secrets of presents that we buy each other, but he did really good this time. Thanks again Nate.

The Bumbo and blankets

Kayton loves to sit up now. We use his bumbo quite a bit. I think he is going through a phase of needing much more attention than normal and he seems to be a little more fussy. Just yesterday, he had just gotten done eating and was a little fussy, so I happened to walk by our mirror in the hallway and he got really happy. So to keep him happy, we set him in the bumbo and let him sit in front of the mirror. It was really cute and it amazes me what things will keep him happy.
Here is another cute picture of him in his bumbo and also leads me to his next new thing. He loves to hold onto his blankets and burp rags. He grabs them and pulls them up to his face and loves the feeling of them. He is really good at using his hands and grabbing stuff. He has started grabbing my hair, which hurts by the way. Here is a little video of him playing.

May 14, 2010

1st Mothers Day

I was so excited this year that I got to celebrate Mother's Day. It was so amazing. Nate got me the perfect card and let me pick what we had for dinner and just let me relax. We just got done moving into our new apartment so the house is an absolute wreck, but I just ignored it that day and enjoyed myself. Thank you Nate for being a great husband and allowing me to have a great Mother's Day. He even took some pictures of me and Kayton and these are my favorites. Happy Mother's Day!

May 8, 2010


This is my new favorite thing. Almost every morning this is our routine. Kayton will wake up around 7, he eats, burps and gets his diaper changed. Then comes the best part. We just stay in bed for like a half hour playing with him. It's the best part of my day!

May 6, 2010


I got an email from a friend the other day and she took some pictures of us when we went for spring break. They were so cute I just wanted to put them on here. The one of just Kayton is my favorite. His face is priceless.


Kayton has started laughing. He does really good for Nate and then when I pull out the camera to take a video, he doesn't perform as well. Here is the cutest video we have.