May 23, 2010

The Bumbo and blankets

Kayton loves to sit up now. We use his bumbo quite a bit. I think he is going through a phase of needing much more attention than normal and he seems to be a little more fussy. Just yesterday, he had just gotten done eating and was a little fussy, so I happened to walk by our mirror in the hallway and he got really happy. So to keep him happy, we set him in the bumbo and let him sit in front of the mirror. It was really cute and it amazes me what things will keep him happy.
Here is another cute picture of him in his bumbo and also leads me to his next new thing. He loves to hold onto his blankets and burp rags. He grabs them and pulls them up to his face and loves the feeling of them. He is really good at using his hands and grabbing stuff. He has started grabbing my hair, which hurts by the way. Here is a little video of him playing.

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