May 27, 2010

Things about my pregnancy

I have done alot of different things since I have been pregnant and I wanted to make a post about them so I remember what it was like with my first child.

-I can't eat lettuce. It will not stay in me I just don't know what it is. Lettuce and almost anything green. This kid just doesn't like healthy food.

-I got sick in the morning and at night.

-I figured out that if I didn't eat breakfast until I got to work then I wouldn't throw up whatever I would eat. I think I have literal motion sickness. If I eat and then get up right after and keep doing stuff then I get sick.

-This kid only like carbs and fatty not healthy things

-It's 22 weeks and I still cannot feel him kicking

-I had such a flat stomach before that when I first was starting to stretch, I felt like I had rolls and it has been very uncomfortable to sit.

-I have eaten alot of things with ham and cheese. Lunchables, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, almost anything you can think that falls under that category.

-I drool alot more in my sleep

- I am now 24 weeks and my ankles are almost cankles. I have gained 30 pounds and it's starting to show a little bit. I just hope I don't blow up like a balloon

-I get pains at the top of my legs all the time. They hurt when I get up from sitting down, when I get up from laying down and when I sit down from standing too long. There is no pleasing the top of my legs

-I luckily don't feel sick anymore, unless of course I go for too long without eating. I still eat about six times a day and sadly, still not alot of healthy food going in. I'm trying though

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