May 23, 2010

Three Year Anniversary

It has been 3 whole years! I can't believe how far we have come in 3 years. We were talking the other day about all that has happened with us and this is what we came up with. We have moved 5 times in 3 years. We have had 1 kid in 3 years. We have only spent 3-5 days apart in 3 years. We have had many fights, many funny and happy moments. We have gone through a few jobs and seem to have found the ones that we like. We have learned things about each other and there are some things that we love and some things that we hate. We have learned to compromise. We have learned what things make each other happy when we are having a bad day. We have learned how to love. I love my husband soooo much. He has made me a better person and I am so glad to know that I get to be with him for eternity. Thanks for the best 3 years of my life Nate!

For celebration that night, we had gift cards to go to Olive Garden. So we went and had our favorites. Yummy! Then we went to the theater and saw the new Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe. It was hard for me to leave Kayton with a friend since the nights are my time to spend with him, but it was also really nice to have a night of just me and Nathan. It made me remember how in love I am with him. When we got back from the movie, there was a surprise on my table waiting for me.
Nate had our awesome friend Janina make a special cake for me and also had a dozen of my favorite flowers sitting on the table. Our friend can make anything and is a dessert/baking queen. You can check out her blog I had no idea what he was doing. We both aren't very good at keeping secrets of presents that we buy each other, but he did really good this time. Thanks again Nate.

1 comment:

Janina Jones said...

Thanks for the free advertising about my Bake Sale blog!