December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

We had an early New Years.  It was simple and fun.  A lot of our friends were out of town so we had one couple over and we played games and ate treats and we thought that they would show the ball drop on tv at 10 o'clock but they didn't so we made our New Years be at 10:10 with a drink of some bubbly and then continued on with our game and we were done around 10:30 or 11.  We were glad we just didn't spend the night by ourselves.

December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

It was Kayton's first Christmas!  He didn't get as excited for anything as I would have hoped, but we celebrated here at our house as just our own little family.  I must not have been thinking clearly that morning because I just captured everything on our video camera and totally forgot to pull out our regular camera so our Christmas wasn't that interesting I guess.  Kayton wasn't feeling all that well and we had just gotten home the day before from Colorado so we were all pretty tired.  Nate was on call that day too and got a few calls but over all it was a fun first Christmas for Kayton.  We got some awesome gifts from our Colorado family.  Kayton got lots of books, a cute sweats outfit, and a little snail that plays music that he absolutely loves.  Santa got him a big bag of lego blocks and he has loved those too.  Nate and I got some pancake mix from Granny.  Nate got an ipod speaker/alarm clock docking station from my dad and I got a Kohls gift card and then we also got a good amount of money combined from everyone too so we treated ourselves to some new little appliances for our kitchen.  Yay!  It turned out to be a good Christmas.

For dinner, we kind of did Christmas Eve dinner at a restaurant with our friends so I didn't cook a big meal Christmas day.  We had some of the traditional stuff but it was more low key which I appreciated.  Hope everyone else had a great Christmas.

December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

We just got back from a trip to Colorado to see family which I will tell more about later.  But we are so excited tomorrow is Christmas and it's Kayton's first one so I am extra excited.  Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.  Here is a classic snapshot of what happened when we went to our ward Christmas party.  

December 21, 2010

Christmas Vacation

We got to go to Colorado for vacation this year.  We spent a whole week at my dad's house and it was so nice to get away from our lives here and go hang out with our parents and siblings.  My stepsister and her hubby came in from California and so everyone was there.  It was so great.  We really didn't do that much besides a little shopping while we were there and of course eat Serious Texas Bar-B-Q.  The family had a lot of planned events that kept them busy and Kayton wasn't feeling too well and didn't do so good being away from home so it was a very laid back vacation.  We did get to go out and see my Granny and Aunt Cindy but all of their family stuff happened after we left so sadly I didn't get to see any of my cousins.  Sadly, this is more for journal purposes because I wasn't thinking and I didn't take any pictures, but we had fun and can't wait until we get to see our family again.

December 18, 2010

Nate Christmas Concert

 Nate decided to play for a community band for fun and the one and only concert he did for them was a Christmas concert downtown.  I had fun going to it.  They played for like an hour and it was a little cold outside but it was fun to sit downtown and think that everyone could hear it even if they weren't sitting there.  Nate had fun but decided that it's too much to play in that band this semester. 


December 7, 2010

Nice People

The other night we decided to go out to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.  We were excited because it was a night out for us, but after we were there for a little bit, it wasn't as fun anymore.  Kayton wasn't doing very well and he wouldn't sit in his chair and he is teething now so that made it worse.  While we were sitting there trying to calm him down, we were trying to remember each other and we were holding hands and smiling at each other but then a little later I knew I was looking mad and frustrated and just wanted to get our food to go and leave.  Well, there was a couple sitting next to us and they finished eating before we got our food and when they got up, the wife came to our table and told us that we were such a cute couple and that we had such a cute baby and to remember that when we got home and after he went to bed, that we should just try to recreate the night of sorts.  It was so sweet and I had such a better attitude the rest of dinner.  I felt bad that I looked like such a terrible mother, but that lady just made my night by telling us that.  There are nice people out there that we don't know. 

3A State Championship

Go Cougars!

Our old high school and their rival team Blue Ridge played against each other for the 3A State Championship this year.   It was so much fun!  They played the Saturday after Thanksgiving and it was here in Flagstaff at the NAU dome.  They played so well and it was such an exciting ending.  We got an interception and then it pretty much ended the game. 

We won!!!!!!

It was awesome!  Kayton had fun with the music but was a little scared whenever we would scream or cheer.  We were all dressed up in our green and gold and totally showing the school spirit.  It was so great and we can't wait until we are back in Show Low so we can go to more games again.  

December 5, 2010

Black Friday and Nate's Birthday

These two go hand in hand this year.  Nate's birthday happened to fall on black friday and boy was he lucky.  He really needed certain tools and there was just some amazing deals that we couldn't pass up.  (The tools were really for me though so that he could do projects around the house that I have been wanting done) So this year, I said I would do it and I did.  I went black friday shopping.  It was really simple for me actually.  I was in Show Low so there wasn't many store options and Nate's presents took up most of my budget so it wasn't too bad.  I went to Wal-Mart at 10:30 and scoped out the bins so I could get what I wanted and then stood by the one that I wanted the most so I could grab that first and then got everything else after that.  The Pratt's youngest son's Trevor and Jeremiah wanted to come with me so I wasn't alone and I had help carrying stuff.  (Loved it)  We got what we wanted and looked at maybe one or two of the crazy spots and then left.  We were out of there by 12:25 and home before anybody else even went to bed.  Then I had to get up again and be gone at 4:30 so I could go to Lowe's.  That's where the two most favorite presents for Nate were.  I got there and after much deliberation, got what I wanted and was out of there in 20 minutes. All together, we got a griddle, a little toy tent for Kayton to play in, a tool chest with tools in it, a Dremel tool, and his most favorite was a Porter Cable drill, skill saw, jigsaw and light combo set.  It was so easy and I would definitely do black friday shopping again. 

For Nate's birthday, he got his presents and then we had Thanksgiving dinner on his birthday and we did birthday pie for him with everybody there.  It was great.  He said he is at that age now where he doesn't care about birthdays, but I think it's still fun to make a big deal of him.  Happy Birthday honey!  I love you so much and think you are a great hubby!