February 16, 2011

My sister's wedding

My little sister got to marry her best friend this last weekend.  Amanda and Preston were married on Friday the 11th.  After a long week of figuring out if we could go or not, we did.  We were a little late getting to the temple which was due to us always leaving late anyways, but we got there just in time and it was such a beautiful sealing.  Thanks to my amazing littler sister Milissa, she watched Kayton and my nephew so that us parents could be there in the sealing.  I was so glad to be there and it made me so happy to watch her get married.  My emotions were a little high that day and for some reason I cried a lot, but it worked out.  We were able to be there for pictures after the wedding and then went back to her mom's house to rest until the reception.  At the reception it got cold pretty fast and Kayton was a little fussy, but the food was amazing and everything was just so beautiful.  I love going to weddings and that one was just so special to me.  Thanks so much for having us there Amanda!  We love you so much and wish them a happy life together.  
waiting for them to come out

first kiss

so pretty and handsome

my littler sister Milissa

i just love her!

playing with his cousin Isaac

1 comment:

Christina said...

It was so fun to see you and your little guy! Isaac keeps talking about Baby Kayton. :) We love you.