May 27, 2011

30 weeks

Yup, I am now 30 weeks along and I have had one heck of a ride so far to say the least.  I haven't gained as much weight as I did last time which is fine since it was mostly all water weight.  Just the last few days I have has been harder to be up for a long time and then I feel like I am having contractions a little bit.  Thankfully, Nate has been wonderful in helping me and it's great that school is out so that this is the only thing that stresses him out.  Over the weekend, I did get an infection, bladder infection, and it was a Sunday so the on-call doctor told me to go to the hospital and get it checked out.  Thankfully we were able to get tested and caught it early enough before it turned into a kidney infection.  I have been feeling many more pains this pregnancy and I can't get a good night sleep to save my life so it's been really hard for me to want to do anything lately.  I just keep thinking that it's all training for when the next baby gets here.  That part is freaking me out too.  I feel like I am totally not ready for this kid yet.  I need to go get all the old baby stuff out of storage and get it all set up and then we are going to work on rearranging things this week so we can get the baby in our room.  In 2 weeks I go in for an appointment and they are going to do another ultrasound to make sure that the placenta is still moving up like it should and then it's going to be appointments every two weeks now.  I am so nervous about becoming a mom of two, especially two boys.  Any advice from anyone is always welcomed. 

How we eat Oatmeal

Apparently, the new way to eat oatmeal is not to use a spoon, but to take it with your hand and pull it out of the bowl and then put it on the tray next to the bowl and then not eat it at all.  I don't care for it, but Kayton did. 

Playing at the Mall

Last week, Nate had the day off and I needed to go get a little shopping done at the mall for maternity stuff and so we made a whole fun trip out of it.  I got a new pair of pants, Nate got to look for some new shoes, and Kayton got to play with all kinds of fun toys. There is a new little play room area where you pay $2 and you can ride any ride there, like a very mini carnival.  We let him ride the train and Nate got in with him and he just loved it.  There was a little rope you could pull that would ring the bell and that was his favorite part. 
Then he got to drive a few of those $1 rides that out in the main area.  He loved it and we were glad to get him out of the house. 

May 18, 2011

4 down, Eternity to go

It's been a good day today.  Today is our 4 year anniversary and I feel like I have been twitterpated all day.  Since Nate had to work this morning and we have church activities tonight, we really don't get to do too much together today, but I am still excited that it's our anniversary.  I keep looking at the clock and then I try to remember what we were doing at that time 4 years ago.  It's been really fun for me.  I even went a little nutty and planned out our shirt colors for the day.  Nate wore blue and I wore yellow because those were our wedding colors.  Dork, I know.  We decided that even though we have no money, we still should go out to lunch today, plus Nate wanted me to feel special.  So we went out to Cracker Barrel and boy was it delicious.  We had to take Kayton with us so it doesn't count as our celebrating dinner.  We get to go out on a date Friday night while one of the young women in our ward babysits Kayton.  I am really excited and I decided that even though it's not really fancy, we are going to go out to dinner at Denny's because while we were on our honeymoon, that was where we ate most of our meals.  I can't wait. 

I love this man more than anything and I am so glad that I get to be married to him for forever.  I can't believe how much we have done together and that we are almost parents of 2 boys and that next year we will be student teaching and becoming grown ups.  Sometimes I will be doing dishes or hanging up laundry and I just can't believe that at 23 years old, this is where I am.  I love it and I love Nate so much.  He is such a good Dad and a good husband who provides for us so well.  Thank you Nate.  Now on to the rest of eternity. 

May 7, 2011

1st haircut

I know what some of you are thinking.  What he has no hair, how could you give him a haircut, but he did have really long hair, and it's very blonde, so today we gave him a little trim.  We did a sort of fade cut since the hair in the back was longer than in the front.  He looks so cute and I can't wait to get him ready and try to spike his hair and stuff.  I know I am biased, but he is just the cutest little boy ever.  

a funny before picture just to show you how long his hair was
Daddy did the hard work

Kayton's new things

I am a little behind on a few things, but I am just so amazed at how much Kayton is growing.  He is already in 18 month size clothes and is just so much more independent.  I am glad he is growing now so I don't have to do as much for him here in a couple months, but at the same time it makes me sad that he isn't a baby anymore, he is turning into a little boy.  A very cute little boy though I might add.  He is trying so hard to talk but isn't quite there yet and he just loves to be outside now that it's warming up.  

Anyways, we have gotten a few new things around here that I got pictures of that were just too cute not to share.  For Kayton's birthday/Easter, we were able to buy him a little rocking horse that sings and talks and makes horse sounds.  He likes it when he sits in the rocking chair and we rock him and he likes to hold onto things and shake them so we thought it would be the perfect toy.  
Then, last weekend, our apartment complex had a little yard sale and we ended up spending more than we made, which I expected, but we ended up getting this little banana chair and it was meant to be for Nate and playing his video games, but it turns out that it may be Kayton's chair now.  He loves that it's low to the ground so he can sit on it and just chill while the tv is on or while he is playing with a toy.  We love how he is amused by such simple things. 


For journaling sake, I wanted to tell about our Easter.  Sadly, I wasn't smart enough to really take any pictures of anything, but it was pretty chill.  We woke up and Kayton had an Easter basket ready to go for him with a few toys from the dollar store and Nate got permission to buy some things for his xbox and I was promised a spring time family picture soon.  The highlight of the day was our Stake Conference.  Nate was asked to sing in the choir and so he got to attend all 3 sessions.  It was just amazing beyond words.  Our stake was lucky enough to have an apostle visit us as our visitor from Salt Lake and it was Russell M. Nelson.  
I was chasing Kayton around for most of the time so I don't remember too much about what was said, but it was just amazing to be there and see him enter the room and feel that power when he entered.  After the conference was over, he was so kind to stay up on the stand and allowed people to wait in line and come up and shake his hand so of course we did and when I got there I was so flustered I just couldn't help but keep smiling and staring at him.  It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad we were able to be here for that.
After church, we didn't feel like cooking a huge dinner, so we joined up with our friends the Tuckers and ended up just eating hamburgers and hot dogs after church.  Like I said, not too much, but it was a nice day overall.