May 7, 2011

Kayton's new things

I am a little behind on a few things, but I am just so amazed at how much Kayton is growing.  He is already in 18 month size clothes and is just so much more independent.  I am glad he is growing now so I don't have to do as much for him here in a couple months, but at the same time it makes me sad that he isn't a baby anymore, he is turning into a little boy.  A very cute little boy though I might add.  He is trying so hard to talk but isn't quite there yet and he just loves to be outside now that it's warming up.  

Anyways, we have gotten a few new things around here that I got pictures of that were just too cute not to share.  For Kayton's birthday/Easter, we were able to buy him a little rocking horse that sings and talks and makes horse sounds.  He likes it when he sits in the rocking chair and we rock him and he likes to hold onto things and shake them so we thought it would be the perfect toy.  
Then, last weekend, our apartment complex had a little yard sale and we ended up spending more than we made, which I expected, but we ended up getting this little banana chair and it was meant to be for Nate and playing his video games, but it turns out that it may be Kayton's chair now.  He loves that it's low to the ground so he can sit on it and just chill while the tv is on or while he is playing with a toy.  We love how he is amused by such simple things. 

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