May 7, 2011


For journaling sake, I wanted to tell about our Easter.  Sadly, I wasn't smart enough to really take any pictures of anything, but it was pretty chill.  We woke up and Kayton had an Easter basket ready to go for him with a few toys from the dollar store and Nate got permission to buy some things for his xbox and I was promised a spring time family picture soon.  The highlight of the day was our Stake Conference.  Nate was asked to sing in the choir and so he got to attend all 3 sessions.  It was just amazing beyond words.  Our stake was lucky enough to have an apostle visit us as our visitor from Salt Lake and it was Russell M. Nelson.  
I was chasing Kayton around for most of the time so I don't remember too much about what was said, but it was just amazing to be there and see him enter the room and feel that power when he entered.  After the conference was over, he was so kind to stay up on the stand and allowed people to wait in line and come up and shake his hand so of course we did and when I got there I was so flustered I just couldn't help but keep smiling and staring at him.  It was such an amazing experience and I am so glad we were able to be here for that.
After church, we didn't feel like cooking a huge dinner, so we joined up with our friends the Tuckers and ended up just eating hamburgers and hot dogs after church.  Like I said, not too much, but it was a nice day overall. 

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