May 18, 2011

4 down, Eternity to go

It's been a good day today.  Today is our 4 year anniversary and I feel like I have been twitterpated all day.  Since Nate had to work this morning and we have church activities tonight, we really don't get to do too much together today, but I am still excited that it's our anniversary.  I keep looking at the clock and then I try to remember what we were doing at that time 4 years ago.  It's been really fun for me.  I even went a little nutty and planned out our shirt colors for the day.  Nate wore blue and I wore yellow because those were our wedding colors.  Dork, I know.  We decided that even though we have no money, we still should go out to lunch today, plus Nate wanted me to feel special.  So we went out to Cracker Barrel and boy was it delicious.  We had to take Kayton with us so it doesn't count as our celebrating dinner.  We get to go out on a date Friday night while one of the young women in our ward babysits Kayton.  I am really excited and I decided that even though it's not really fancy, we are going to go out to dinner at Denny's because while we were on our honeymoon, that was where we ate most of our meals.  I can't wait. 

I love this man more than anything and I am so glad that I get to be married to him for forever.  I can't believe how much we have done together and that we are almost parents of 2 boys and that next year we will be student teaching and becoming grown ups.  Sometimes I will be doing dishes or hanging up laundry and I just can't believe that at 23 years old, this is where I am.  I love it and I love Nate so much.  He is such a good Dad and a good husband who provides for us so well.  Thank you Nate.  Now on to the rest of eternity. 

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