June 24, 2011

Daddy Day

This year Nate celebrated his 2nd Father's Day.  He loved getting spoiled and I enjoy spoiling him.  He got some cologne and a tie as gifts from me and Kayton and we had fun just hanging out and doing a little grilling for dinner. He said he had a great day and I hope it was true.
My boys

Kayton was really excited to give him the present

This man is just too awesome for words.  He is such a good provider and I am so thankful that he is so supportive of me being a stay at home mom.  I couldn't has for a better hubby or daddy for our kids.  He loves to play his xbox and being outside either disc golfing or being out in the woods.  He said that he is glad that he knows that he will be there for his kids and that they will be able to celebrate Father's day since he never really got to.  I love him so much and wish there was more than one day a year dedicated to them. 

Also, a shout out to my dad.  He is just the best dad ever.  He took me in when no one else would and no matter what other crap has happened in my life, he has been the one person I can count on to help me and stand on my side.  I love him and think I am the luckiest daughter out there.  I can't wait until we get to visit him next.  I definitely am home sick.  


Our friends that live by us had a genius idea to buy a little kid swimming pool for their sons birthday party.  We use it all the time now and Kayton loves it more that our friends little boy.  It is so much fun for them to play in and I love that it's an outside activity that we can do even when it's so hot like it is now. 

He loves to eat fruit

Too cute to not share

Let's be honest.  I have no idea what got into him, we just started playing with the blanket that we got as a baby shower gift and this is what happened. 

Wii Music

Randomly the other night, we decided to play on our Wii, and this time it was a game that Kayton could play.  Wii music.  Most of the game is just holding the controllers and shaking them up and down which he loves to do and he just loves to listen to music too.  He was so cute and we helped him out a little bit and we had fun with our little activity.

3rd ultrasound

I got to have another ultrasound about 3 weeks ago.  I know I'm a little late posting about it, but I wanted to make sure I put down what happened for memory sake.  Since I have been having some placenta problems this pregnancy, they basically just did a check to make sure that my placenta was moving upward and away from my uterus, which it has.  I am clear to deliver normally, and then she also told me that at that time, the machine guessed that the baby weighed around 4 lbs 11 oz. According to her and my pregnancy book, that is big for this stage.  No wonder every time he moves, it's feels like he can only push outward so it feels like he is going to break my stomach open.  Very uncomfortable.  We did get a picture, but it's just not that great and it pretty much only shows the profile of his face and you can barely make out what's what.  I am down to like 5 weeks now and I get more and more scared every time I think that, but I am definitely working on being planned and getting everything ready to go this next week.  Still working on the name too.  I really didn't think it was going to be this hard again.    

June 19, 2011

16 months

  • Says words - mostly Dada, hi, eyes, uh-oh, Mama, ball, this, tree, Iley (for his friend named Riley, she calls him KayKay)
  • Loves to wave at people especially to my Dad while we are on Skype with him
  • He is really working on getting the hang of eating with silverware, it's still really messy, but he loves to use them.  He sometimes refuses to eat unless he can do it himself
  • He loves to play outside and especially go down slides and bounce on the teeter toter
  • He still likes to watch Mickey Mouse
  • He doesn't like to hold still for anything
  • He folds his arms for prayer
  • He sings along to some music by saying "ba, ba, ba, ba"
  • He waves his arms during songs still like he is conducting
  • He likes to play with sticks and point to trees
  • Everyday I see something that just reminds me more and more that he is just a mini Nate, we really should have named him Nathan Jr.
  • It's easiest to make him laugh when it's late at night like an hour before he goes to bed.  He just gets this surge of energy and laughs at almost anything
  • He is still a bit of a klutz when it comes to walking.  It seems like his forehead ALWAYS has a bruise right in the center
  • He loves to take baths and play in the water
  • I've lost count but I think he has 13 teeth now
  • He is a toddler now and not a baby and I have a hard time letting that sink in

June 12, 2011

Catch up

Well, this pregnancy has definitely caused me to slack on my blog.  Here are some updates for us right now.  
Nate is done with school for this semester and passed all of his classes.  Yay!  Now we can finally move on to this summer and just get things ready for baby boy, which we still can't decide on a name yet.  That's been the hardest thing for us right now.  Anyways, Nate is just working right now about 24 hours a week for the Gas/Plumbing department here at NAU and then he still has his on-call maintenance job that he works for one week out of the month.  He is enjoying not having any school responsibilities and thankfully his work is very flexible so he has been able to help me out a lot when I am hurting and just having a hard day.  We are really blessed right now.  
As for me, I am pretty much done working now.  They asked me to stay on payroll so that in case they need me for small projects or when someone goes out of town then they can use me but other than that, I am pretty much stay at home worker now.  I am trying to just get through these last 7 weeks of pregnancy, it's still scaring me that it's coming so quickly but the more I get things set up, the better I feel.
Now Kayton is just growing like a weed and he is definitely not a baby anymore which I am also having a hard time with.  He loves to play and is learning how to talk and is just such a sweet little boy.  More to come on him. 
Happy Summer everyone!

Out in the woods

Now that the weather is actually being consistently good and warm, we have been trying to go out to the woods with friends and just enjoy the outdoors.  We've only been out 2 times, but it's just nice that we can do it now.  Our first time, the boys wanted to go out and do boy stuff like make bombs with plastic bottles, and I was just going to get out of the house and let Kayton play in the woods.  He really likes to play with sticks and rocks right now so he had a total blast.  We got some really cute pictures and I wanted to show them off.

Helping Dad drive out there

Preparing a bomb

Such cute kids