June 12, 2011

Catch up

Well, this pregnancy has definitely caused me to slack on my blog.  Here are some updates for us right now.  
Nate is done with school for this semester and passed all of his classes.  Yay!  Now we can finally move on to this summer and just get things ready for baby boy, which we still can't decide on a name yet.  That's been the hardest thing for us right now.  Anyways, Nate is just working right now about 24 hours a week for the Gas/Plumbing department here at NAU and then he still has his on-call maintenance job that he works for one week out of the month.  He is enjoying not having any school responsibilities and thankfully his work is very flexible so he has been able to help me out a lot when I am hurting and just having a hard day.  We are really blessed right now.  
As for me, I am pretty much done working now.  They asked me to stay on payroll so that in case they need me for small projects or when someone goes out of town then they can use me but other than that, I am pretty much stay at home worker now.  I am trying to just get through these last 7 weeks of pregnancy, it's still scaring me that it's coming so quickly but the more I get things set up, the better I feel.
Now Kayton is just growing like a weed and he is definitely not a baby anymore which I am also having a hard time with.  He loves to play and is learning how to talk and is just such a sweet little boy.  More to come on him. 
Happy Summer everyone!

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