September 10, 2011


So two weeks ago, we felt like getting out and doing something fun together and so we decided to go to Williams and go to the wildlife park called Bearizona.  Our friends went there and said it was awesome so we decided to go.  You have to pay to go in and the first part you drive through and see some of the animals just off the road roaming around their little area and some of them blocked off the road a little bit by a fence.  Kayton sat up front with us and we pointed out all the animals to him.  He enjoyed it and thought it was fun.  The drive through took like 45 minutes and we saw these animals.

donkeys - they are a certain type, but I don't remember the name
Kayton looking out the window at them
helping Dad drive
Bison that were farther back off the road
white bison - i can't believe how big their heads are
big horned sheep - there is a baby in there somewhere
he walked right by our car and posed for us
Now the main exhibit of the park.  The black bears.  I was only expecting to see like 1 or 2,  but they had like 12 of them in this little area.  When you drove through you had to keep your windows rolled up and your doors locked for safety, but they were so awesome.  One of them literally walked right by our car and if we could have rolled down the window, we could have pet it.  

sleeping so comfortably

this was so fun for Kayton
leaning up against the tree scratching his back
The next part of the park is a petting zoo.  On the day that we went though, there just happened to be a bird show that day so we decided we would go watch it.  The birds were so pretty and fun to watch and learn about.  They had them fly around to different perches in the area where we were sitting and they flew so low that it felt like the bird was going to fly right into your face.  I got scared a couple times and ducked down every time.  

the owl right above the ladies head
After the bird show, we got to walk around like at a zoo and we saw pretty much baby animals of all the bigger animals that we saw on the drive thru.  They were all so cute and I can't believe how many they had.
Baby wolves
Baby bears
Checking them out - Merrick slept the whole time
Baby Lynx

In the petting zoo area. There were chickens and pigs and goats and Kayton loved it
Feeding hay to the goat

We will almost definitely go back again.  It was fun for Kayton to see all the animals and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.  I highly recommend it for anyone in Arizona.

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