September 19, 2011

Oh Nate

  This has been Nate's arm for the past 2 weeks.  

Like most guys, something stupid made him upset and he punched something.  It's happened before, but this time he broke his pinkie on his right hand.  He popped the knuckle out of place at like 1 o'clock in the morning.  He went to the hospital and got a temporary splint put on and then a couple days later he went to a hand doctor who told him that he would have to do surgery to put a pin in his pinkie to straighten it out.  So in we went for a 45 minute procedure and he got it put back into place and got the pin in.  He has to keep the pin in for 2 weeks and then the doctor will pull it out and then he has to take it easy for like a week after that.  It's been rough and sometimes I feel like I am taking care of 3 kids since he can't use his dominant hand, but he has been doing really good about not complaining too much and still going to work and just being good about it all. 

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