September 16, 2011

Boys update

It's been a while since I have updated on the boys.  My camera died and I couldn't charge it so with some of our saved money, I finally went out and got myself a new camera and now I can update on the boys. 

Merrick is just growing like a weed.  He is so chunky and we think he is just adorable.  At first glance he looks almost exactly like Kayton when he was a baby but the more your around him, we think he looks more like me.  He is so cute and still doesn't do much but eat sleep and poop, but he is smiling so much now which makes him even cuter.  Here are some updated pictures of him. 



Kayton on the other hand is just growing and changing so much.  He is talking so much more now and copies our words so great.  We have upgraded him to a booster chair at the table and he loves to eat there with us at dinner now.  He is such a great big brother.  He loves Merrick so much.  When he wakes up, usually the first thing he says is baby and points out the door and then he runs out to see him.  He loves to help me change his diapers and hold him and give him kisses.  He is very much at the age where he wants to help out with everything.  He likes to hold onto the carseat with me when we are walking out to the car and last night he held onto the laundry basket and went with me to load the laundry.  He still has a shoe fetish for some reason and he has been wearing my slippers a lot lately.  He is so fun and makes us laugh all the time.  

I love that I get to stay home with these kids.  They make life the best.

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