May 14, 2012

9 Months

My little man Merrick is now 9 months old.  He doesn't seem this old to me, but he is just so darn cute.  He has the most amazing blue eyes and his hair is starting to fluff up in the back so we think he may get curly hair.  At his appointment last week he was 19 lbs and 28 1/2 in long.  Pretty average for his age.  Here are some fun facts about him.  

  • He is still very clingy to me and only me, but there have been a few times when he has let others hold him
  • He is crawling all over the place.  It took him so long to figure out how to crawl with his hands and knees, but he did it
  • He also pulls himself up next to the couch and scoots along the edge of it
  • He makes this really cute face where he scrunches his nose and mouth and sniffs in and out of his nose really fast.  I really need to get it on video
  • He is very talkative in the morning but he doesn't really say words, just ba ba ma ma and jibber jabber
  • He loves to take baths.  He knows whats coming when I open the bathroom door and he hates when I have to take him out and not let him back in
  • He loves to swing and we have our own out in the yard which is so nice
  • He is starting to eat table food and he loves cheerios and his puffs
  • He has 3 teeth on the bottom
  • He smiles so much, i love it
  • He loves his toys and he likes it more when he gets to play with his big brother
  • He is just so darn cute and he knows it

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