May 22, 2012

Graduation Weekend

This weekend was a long time coming.  We went to Flagstaff for Nate's graduation.  He graduated on Friday afternoon so we got up that morning, loaded up the car and drove.  We got there just in time to drop Kayton off with our friends so he could hang out with them during the ceremony and then head to NAU.  I wish Kayton could have come to the ceremony too, but he just doesn't sit still long enough for that.  So we dropped off Nate at the dome and then Merrick and I went in and got our seats.  We sat with our friends and their family which was great and they were able to help me out with Merrick so I could take some pictures.  I was so giddy, even more so than Nate I think.  The ceremony was great and except for one speaker, they kept it short and sweet and then went on to handing out the diplomas.  It was so thrilling for me and I thought Nate looked so handsome in his cap and gown.
After the ceremony was over, we went and got Kayton and then met our friends, the Allen's, at Lake Mary and ate some chili and corn on the cob with them.  We loved it and it was a great way to celebrate afterwards.  We left the lake and a while ago we decided to stay the night in Flagstaff so we didn't have to drive all day with the kids.  It was a rough night, but we got up the next morning and decided to do a celebratory breakfast.  We went to Cracker Barrel and had a great meal.
 Afterwards, we took Kayton to the duck ponds so he could feed them some bread.  I think it's his new favorite thing.  He loved it.  I wish we could have stayed longer, but we left to go have lunch with the Hunter's at their house.  We had fun with them and the kids and it was a fun place for the kids to play. 
It was a great weekend.  It was a long time coming and I'm glad I pushed him to walk at the ceremony. 
I am so proud of him and all he has gone through to get his degree.  I know there were many times he just wanted to give up and find something else to do for a career, but he did it!  It was really hard for him, but I knew he could do it and now he did.  I love him and couldn't be more happy or proud for him.        

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