July 29, 2012

A Little Improv

The other day was rough.  I had a few good ideas of things I could do with the kids.  Go to the library, go play at a park, the usual things to do in a small town but when it came down to it, things didn't work out.  We couldn't do anything at the library and it was way too hot to go to the park, so what did I do.  I brought them home and stuck them outside with water.  I love our new house and how it does have a backyard, but it's not landscaped yet so we can't play back there, so we play in a little cement patio area just off our kitchen.  It's a good size and I just put a few small buckets of water outside and stripped them down to their diapers.  They went crazy.  I feel like I should have thought about this idea before, but it was so fun.  They stayed out there for about 45 minutes and then came in for lunch and I did the dishes while watching them from the kitchen window.  It was awesome. 

July 25, 2012


He's 1.  My baby is 1.  I can't believe it. We celebrated on Sunday with family, even though his birthday was on Tuesday.  My mom and her husband and my siblings came over from Pinedale to celebrate with us.  We some yummy dinner of beef dip sandwiches and had cake and ice cream. It was nice to just hang out and have fun.  We got him his own little cake to eat by himself and had cupcakes and ice cream for the rest of us.  After eating, we cleaned Merrick up and then it was present time!  His big present, which is really for him and Kayton, was a wooden train set.  We got the train table a while ago at a yard sale and now we have a train for it!  They love it and it's quite a fun toy.  It was a good party and he loved getting so much attention.  


Here are some updates on him.  
(Stats to come soon)
  • He says ball, daddy, door, and just noises
  • He loves his brother and when they play together
  • He loves to be tossed around and tickled
  • He waves bye bye but only with his right arm
  • He is getting pretty good with the walking, he takes about 5 steps at a time and then falls down
  • He has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on bottom
  •  He has learned how to fold his arms for prayer, but they don't stay folded the whole time
  • Loves to play with balls 
  • He likes to swing and just be outside in general
  • Loves to take baths/play in the water, all I have to do is turn the water on and when he hears it, he comes zooming down the hall to get in
  • He loves to play the piano and basically any instruments that Nate has for him to play with
  • He usually only likes to eat if he can feed it to himself.  Sometimes he won't eat if I am feeding him food from a bowl or something like that.  He is getting good at eating bigger food
  • He loves to play with my dishes and snoop around in my cupboards
  • He still has a clogged tear duct in one of his eyes and we will probably have to take him down for surgery next month
  • He is still such a mama's boy, even though he doesn't say my name yet

July 24, 2012

4th of July

We had been in Winslow for about 5 days and we had many reasons for this, but we went back to Show Low for the weekend.  We left Wednesday morning after going to a pancake breakfast for the scout troop in our new ward and got to Show Low just as the parade was ending.  I was a little bummed about missing the parade, but it worked out good.  We went straight to the Whipples house and had a BBQ with them for lunch.  Then it was nap time for the boys so we headed out and got set up at the Pratts house, where we hung out until dinner time at the Wests.  My good friend Sam was there from out of town and it was a lot of fun and our kids got to hang out.   Then that night I ended up taking just Kayton to the fireworks with the Pratt's.  He stayed awake the whole time and loved watching them.  It was a blast.

The next two days, we stayed in Show Low so that Nate could work at the school maintenance department to make just a little more money.  I just hung around, but we needed to stay until the weekend because Nate's brother Joseph and his girlfriend came in from out of town on Saturday.  We wanted to hang out with them so we planned a whole lunch thing out at Grandma Brewer's house.  It worked out so perfect that Nate's sisters, Michelle and Marlene, had work off that day and Michelle had her two girls with her too and we were all able to hang out for the first time in a few years I think.  We looked at old pictures and ate food, everyone played with our boys and we just had fun being together for a few hours.  We needed to get on the road to come back to Winslow though so we left and now we are home.  It was a good trip.

July 15, 2012

Winslow - catch up

I know it's been a while, but we have been moving so I have a good excuse.  We are here in Winslow!  I still can't believe that I live here sometimes but we are loving it.  We had some great help moving in and there are lots of young couples in the ward which we are very excited about.  Granted there isn't much to do here except touristy stuff, but it's been working out so far.  Our house is amazing too.  We have a 3 bed/2 bath house and we live really close to all the schools that Nate will be teaching at.  We also live just one street over from the high school football field and our landlord says that when the marching band has early morning rehearsal on the field we will be able to hear it.  Anyways, it's a newer construction house and we hope we will stay in it for a long time.  
Nate has been busy getting his classrooms ready.  He basically splits his time half and half at  two schools and then does 3 classes at a 3rd school.  He will definitely stay busy and he's loving having his own classroom.  He starts his training on the 25th and then school starts on the 30th so we have about a week and a half to get him all settled.  He is really excited to start.  That's the run down for now.  I will try to update more soon.

Father's Day

It was an average, laid back Father's day for Nate.  He got to pick his favorite breakfast so we had a table all ready to go for him with a present and crepes with strawberry filling.  He loved it.  I wish we could have done more for him, he at least knows that we love him and appreciate him as a husband and Dad.  He really is great.  He is such a good hard worker and provides so well for our family.  The boys love it when he comes home at the end of the day and love it when he plays with them. 


I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my Dad.  He is such a wonderful man.  So strong and loving and caring.  He has always been there for me and I can't imagine having anybody else as my Dad.  

I love both these men so much and hope that their Father's Day was amazing.