July 15, 2012

Winslow - catch up

I know it's been a while, but we have been moving so I have a good excuse.  We are here in Winslow!  I still can't believe that I live here sometimes but we are loving it.  We had some great help moving in and there are lots of young couples in the ward which we are very excited about.  Granted there isn't much to do here except touristy stuff, but it's been working out so far.  Our house is amazing too.  We have a 3 bed/2 bath house and we live really close to all the schools that Nate will be teaching at.  We also live just one street over from the high school football field and our landlord says that when the marching band has early morning rehearsal on the field we will be able to hear it.  Anyways, it's a newer construction house and we hope we will stay in it for a long time.  
Nate has been busy getting his classrooms ready.  He basically splits his time half and half at  two schools and then does 3 classes at a 3rd school.  He will definitely stay busy and he's loving having his own classroom.  He starts his training on the 25th and then school starts on the 30th so we have about a week and a half to get him all settled.  He is really excited to start.  That's the run down for now.  I will try to update more soon.

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