October 19, 2012

Fall Break

We had an awesome fall break.  We had two weeks off but one of them Nate still did some work part time. The school district here is on an intercession schedule which means that the first week of break some students have to come and meet with teachers to help them catch up or get extra tutoring.  For some students that don't need the extra help, some of the extra curricular teachers have Enrichment classes that parents pay a fee for the kids to do. Nate decided to do an Enrichment class and had about 6 students that he was able to do work with and help them improve a little bit.  He really enjoyed it and the kids had fun too.  They even took a little ice cream field trip on the last day. 
So, that was most of the first week for Nate.  I had a little surgery near the end of the week too, but I'll go more into depth about that later.  My mom came that day and then for the rest of the weekend, we just relaxed and enjoyed an awesome General Conference.  
Come Monday morning, we had to run to Flagstaff.  The kids had some doctor visits and we had a few little errands to run then we met up with our friends from the valley.  It was one of Nate's old mission companions and his wife and their four kids.  They were on fall break too and we were excited to have them come stay with us for about 4 days.  It was so nice for Kayton to have boys to play with all day long and I had a friend to talk to at the same time.  We went to the park and showed them the classic stuff in Winslow and just enjoyed hanging out and playing Clue.  We were so glad they came.  It made it so hard for us to go back to our normal stuff the next week.  
All the boys - Patrick, Eric, Merrick, Kayton, and Josh
Baby girl Amber
Stacey and me

Stephen and Nate

 After they left, we were all about fall and all things related.  Nate went to the high school football game with the band on Friday.  Then on Saturday, we welcomed in fall with pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.  Then, we went to our friend Tyler's house, he is the high school band director, and watched the BYU football game at his house while we had hamburgers.  It was a lot of fun even though they lost the game.  
After that break, I felt like I went on vacation, even though we stayed in Winslow mostly.  I enjoyed all the company.    

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