October 20, 2012

Our Calling

Well, after a few months of being here they found a calling for us.  We are the new den leaders for the cub scouts.  The troop isn't very big so we are in charge of all 8-10 year old boys.  We had a little meet and greet dinner a few weeks ago and then on Wednesday we had our first Den meeting.  There are a lot of new 8 year old boys so we just went through the book a little bit and did some explaining.  We hope to do some fun activities soon. 
I was also asked to do a part time thing playing piano for the primary.  The person who normally plays couldn't play for the Primary program so they called me and asked me to sub for her for about 2 months.  The program is on Sunday and then I will probably be done.  I enjoyed doing it and it also made me realize how I should probably be practicing a little more.  We are excited and feel so at home here now.   

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