October 31, 2012


We did Halloween twice this year.  The first one was a Halloween Extravaganza that our friends told us about in Flagstaff at NAU.  Nate had to go to Flagstaff on Saturday with the high school for a marching band competition, so we followed them up there later that day for lunch and then went with friends to the Extravaganza.  Different groups from college put on little booths for the kids to play games and get candy.  Kayton had fun especially with one where he bowled and got a piece of candy when he knocked down all the pins.  He played that game about 3 times.  

 Then the night before and night of Halloween, we had the kids wear their Halloween pajamas that they got from Nana and Papa McClanahan.  Kayton loves to talk about his bones. 
This year, we borrowed the kids costumes from friends and Kayton freaked out a little bit at first when I tried to put his costume on to see if it fit.  He did it last year too but we finally got it on him and we had fun trick or treating.  Kayton was Buzz Lightyear and Merrick was Jack-Jack from the Incredibles.  We got a few compliments for sticking with the old fun characters. Nate was a 3 hole punched piece of paper like Jim was on the Office and then I dressed up in a poodle skirt.
On actual Halloween night, we went to our ward Trunk or Treat and it was perfect for us.  The kids were able to walk around and get candy and it was in a safe spot too.  We loved it.

His friend Bo and him were Buzz Lightyear together.  Not planned.
Merrick only lasted about 3 cars when he figured out what was being put in his pumpkin bucket.  He ate 2 suckers before we left.

 The kids and I had fun taking pictures together afterwards



Happy Halloween!

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