August 3, 2013

Shealynn's Wedding

Shealynn's married.  I can't believe it.  We have been so anxiously waiting this day and now it's here.  She got married in the Oquirrah Mountain Temple in South Jordan Utah on August 3rd.  Everything about it was beautiful.
We had to wake up early that morning since there were about 10 people at Aunt Dana's house and most of us had to take showers before we left.  The sealing was at 10 so we had to be there at 9:30.  We got there and got set up in the temple.  It was a beautiful temple and while we were sitting in the waiting room, I got to see so many people and other relatives and I loved that it was in the temple.  So awesome.  Then the sealing started and I knew Shealynn was a little nervous, but she did great.  The sealer was so sweet and brought such a great spirit.  He did a little joking with Ted about how he kissed Shealynn and they kissed a few times over the alter and after.  They looked so happy and it was so great to be there.  I felt awkward going to give the hugs because that was my first time seeing and meeting Ted in person so the conversation was a little funny.  
Afterwards, we waited.  We went outside and waited for them.  There were about 2 or 3 other wedding parties out there too so it was a little crowded.  We all enjoyed some picture taking opportunities until they came.  When they came out, they just looked so happy and I haven't seen that face on Shealynn in a long time.  I was so happy for her.  She was just so  beautiful too.  Congratulations to Ted and Shealynn.  
Luke, Brianna, and Olivia
The looks say it all
The Beckerts minus CJ who is on a mission
This is their cute way of saying I love you
Cousin Ella holding her train
Me and Shea
 After the temple was the luncheon.  We totally got way lost getting there, but we beat the bride and groom anyways, so it all worked out. The luncheon was at this pavilion near some baseball fields which was really cute because Shealynn loves baseball, but anyways, it was just a fun big room with windows all around.  They had Texas Roadhouse cater it so everyone was so excited for the food and it was delicious.  We all got our food and sat down then went around the room and had everyone stand up and introduce themselves.  They also thought ahead and had centerpieces made of glass so we could bang on it to make them kiss.  One table was really good about remembering to do it every 20 minutes or so.  After everyone had eaten, we stuck around to help clean up and then headed out to go to the reception hall.
Getting ready to kiss

Grandma and me
So when we went to the reception hall, we were just suppose to drop off stuff and go back an hour later, but when we got there, they just let us stay and set up.  It was a long afternoon.  We were there from like 2-10pm.  Anyways, we got there and unloaded stuff from cars and tried to do as much decorating as we could.  The hall was so pretty.  There was a kitchen right across the hall and a indoor room that we used for the food and gifts and then there was a really big outdoor room where they had the tables and dance floor.  The food was fresh fruit with fruit dip, Aggie ice cream which I guess is big buckets of ice cream that are like blizzards.  Then there was lemonade and outside by the sitting area, there was a candy table where the bride and groom picked 2 of their favorite candies and then they had their parents pick their favorite candy too.  There were little candy bags so you could make your own bag and take it with you.  I thought it was super cute.
Sign in table
Gift table
Refreshment table
Happy kitchen helpers
Candy table
Funny picture - Grandma heard about different stories on the news about people coming to receptions for people they don't know and stealing the cards or little presents.  She wanted to make sure she had a chair to sit on by the table to keep an eye on them. It was cute.
Side story:  I said on Facebook that I was going to Utah and my friend Rudi that I graduated with from from Durango read it.  She sent me an email saying that she lived close to there and she wanted to see me.  I was so excited but I didn't have a car so I invited her to come to the reception.  She just got married earlier this year so I got to meed her husband that night too.  They are so cute together and we got to reminisce about the glory days and meet some of my family.  I was so glad she came and I miss her.  
David, Rudi, and me
Grandpa and Great Aunt Marie
Mom and Aunt Dana
All the aunts - Tina, Janene, Pat, and Dana
It got to be about 8 o'clock and then they did the traditional stuff.  They started with the cake which they did perfectly getting a good amount on each others faces and having fun with it.

After that was the garder throw which Ted did with sexy dance music and pulled it out with his teeth.  Shealynn was a little embarrassed by it but it was so cute. One of his buddies caught it and then there was the bouquet toss.  It was a great throw and our cousin Brielle caught it.  It makes sense with how tall she is.

Next was the dancing.  They did the dance with the parents which was really sweet and then they had their first dance.  I forget which songs they were, but they looked so in love.
Daddy and daughter
Ted and Shealynn
The funnest part of the night though, was that Ted had a special treat planned for us all.  He got one of his friend and half brother to lip sink to a One Direction song call You've Got that One Thing and came up with choreography and everything.  Shealynn had no idea but it was so fun and we all enjoyed it.  We heard that they practiced for almost 4 hours straight the day before to get it figured out.  It paid off.
Well, the party was over and it was time for them to leave.  Ted took care of the hotel arrangements for the night and wanted it to be a surprise for Shealynn.  He called it Hotel Amazing.  Turned out to be this hotel in Salt Lake that some celebrities stay at when they come into town.  The next week they were going to spend driving to California and spending a few days there and then driving home.  Anyways, they came out and had a decorated car sponsored by the sisters Carlie and Amy. They drove away and then it was clean up time for us.  It was all actually really easy since we just had to pick up the stuff we brought and the staff at the building cleaned the rest.  It was a long afternoon, but it was amazing.     
 It was a fun night and I'm glad that all the things worked out so I could be there.  I'm glad I didn't miss it.  Congrats to Shealynn and Ted.  I love you guys.

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