April 5, 2014

Conference Weekend and New Bed

What better weekend is there than Conference Weekend.  We love having the BYU channel and just getting to be home and watch it on the tv.  The boys got excited when President Monson came on and they thought it was cool to see the apostles and see the big organ.  Nate also was in a mood to do a project for me, so he fixed the boys beds for me.  
Now the beds the boys have were bought from NAU and they were meant to be two beds or they could stack up and be bunk beds.  Since we moved here, they have been their own beds and when we realized some friends were coming to stay with us, we kind of needed that floor space, so Nate fixed them so they could be bunk beds.  The problem was that there was no siding for the top bunk so that was what Nate's project was.  Then I got a crazy idea to paint the whole bed so that the wood was all the same color.  I'm pretty happy with the way turned out and the boys are too.  I'm still a little unsure about if Kayton is totally safe up on the top bunk because he moves around a lot in his sleep and we have found him near the end of the bed a few times.  It's so cute though and I love the beds. 
Before the side panel and paint
After-Painted and side panel

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