April 12, 2014

Rachelle's wedding

The big day has come.  Rachelle and Shad got married today.  I was glad that she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids.  I had fun getting all caught up in a wedding again.  There was lots going on that day and we started off with all of us girls getting ready together at her mom's house.  She had someone doing her hair and makeup then us girls helped each other with hair too.  It was pretty crazy and so many people were there, but we got it all done and out the door in time to get to the temple in time for pictures.  
So excited for hair and makeup
Seeing her for the first time
 We got to the temple and took a few bridal party pictures after they took the bride and groom pictures. We ended up having to hang out and wait around for a little while, so Emily, the maid of honor, and I  talked and got to know some of the family there and caught up with some of our friends that we haven't seen for a while.

 Next thing we knew, it was time to go in and go to the sealing.  It was really sweet and beautiful and I love being apart of sealings.  I feel bad though that Nate got there and forgot his recommend at home so he couldn't come in.  
After the sealing we went out and had some pictures.  I had fun taking some pictures with my camera and being a part of the pictures too.  

After the wedding we headed out to someones house who hosted the luncheon.  We had sandwiches and chips and they each gave gifts to their parents which was really sweet.  Rachelle gave her parents a picture that says "forever your little girl"  and Shad and his siblings gave his parents a blanket that had pictures of all the children with their engagement pictures.  Rachelle also wrote a song that she sang to Shad.  I only got video of everything so no pictures to show for the luncheon.
Now the reception.  It was very simple and cute.  I was only there for a little bit because us bridesmaids and groomsmen were off making sure that the hotel room was decorated for them and also decorating the car of course.  It was pretty simple, but we had some fun with it.
They didn't have a first dance or throw the bouquet or the garder, but they did do the cake and it was the same experience that Nate and I had.  He was mean and she was not until it was too late.

We sent them off with sparklers and they were on their way to the hotel.  The honeymooned in California for like a week and are now happily settled in Idaho.  It was crazy and insane, but I was glad I was able to be a part of the wedding and help her go through the whole experience.  Happy wedding Rachelle. 


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