April 8, 2008

April Newsletter

This month was a lot of fun for us. We had a lot of trips we went on and many other stressful events, so it seemed like a very long month. The best part was our spring break trip we took to Arizona.
We started out in Flagstaff where we stayed at our friends’ house. They live in one of the apartment complexes on the NAU campus. We got to see the main parts of campus and the apartments we will probably be living in. Nate was also able to do his audition for the school of music while we were there. He passed with flying colors and was accepted right on the spot. Now, we are just waiting to see how much scholarship money they can offer him. He was also able to play in their tuba ensemble as a guest player one of the nights we were there and enjoyed doing that. We then left Flagstaff late Monday night and headed down to Mesa where we went to see some friends and do a little shopping. (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the use of your house) We were able to see our old friend Sam and our cousin Rachelle and our old seminary teacher, Bro. Hoefling and his family. We stayed longer than we planned on, but we had a lot of fun and decided it wouldn’t be too bad if we did live down there sometime in the future. Then the last stop on our Arizona trip was Show Low. When we got into town we went straight out to Mom’s house and had dinner with the family there. We stayed out there for a good part of the night and had a lot of fun playing around and enjoyed seeing everyone.
The next few days we were able to go visit Nate’s mom and see her new apartment, which was really nice, and also his brother and sister. They are all doing well and we are trying to convince his brother to move to Flagstaff so we can try to find him a girlfriend and let him see more of the world. One of the other things Nate always likes to do when we are in Show Low is go to the high school and play with the band and see the band director who has always been one of his greatest role models and one of our good friends. The next day we unwillingly drove back to Colorado. The whole trip was so much fun, so relaxing, but we are also glad not to be in the car anymore.
Now that we are home, Nate went to Texas with the jazz band to play at the North Texas Jazz Festival. Nate and the rest of the jazz band had an awesome experience listening to 3 of the world’s best jazz bands. The jazz band also auditioned for a spot in the final concert that Friday night. They didn‘t get it but were super close (next in line). He has also spent a lot of nights at rehearsals for his own recital that he has coming up in two weeks as well as other recitals he is helping out with. I’m excited for the summer when I will hopefully be able to see him more often. I have also started looking for a job in Flagstaff and applying for what I can online. We learned that students having a spouse working on campus get a very, very, very good discount on tuition so I have applied for many jobs so far and we hope one of them will go through. The only other crazy thing we have had happen here is that we have been under a water advisory for about 3 weeks. People in town were getting sick with salmonella and they believe that it was coming from the city water system. So they have been flushing out the water system with chlorine and we have been using bottled water for everything you can think of and have been going to a friends house (who are on a well) to showered and do laundry there. The city supplied us with mostly all the water we have for free. The church has also been sending water down here from Salt Lake to help out. Many members have been helping pass out water to those in need. The city has worked rather quickly to get this resolved and we are starting to be able to use our water again. As of right now, we can use our water for everything except for drinking, cooking, and washing our dishes. All the schools, including the college, were closed for about a week.
Other than that, we are just getting things together so that we can move soon after the semester is over. We love you and miss you all very much.

Nate and Brooke

1 comment:

laneybug said...

Hey-Its Laney!! I saw a link for your blog on Jeanie's blog, and I have loved reading yours!! I am glad that you are doing well, and I hope you have a great rest of the week!!