May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

First off, Happy Mother's Day to all mother's out there. your awesome. I can't wait until I eventually will be a mom.
We had a good weekend. Mother's day weekend is when my stepmom does her spring performance for the dance studio. My sister Mikayla was in some dances so we left friday afternoon to go over and we got there just in time to make it to the recital. My sister dance 9 times that night and she did so awesome. She is so good at what she does. After her recital, we just hung out with the family. The main reason we went over was to switch cars with my dad so we could use his truck for moving this week. We also wanted to be with them for Mother's day so it was really fun. We had dinner with all of that side of the family and my step grandma, Mimi, at my Aunt Cindy's house on Sunday. There was hamburgers and chips and dip and deviled eggs and Granny's pies. It was sooo good. No one cooks like my Aunt Cindy. We love spending time over there in Durango and we are certainly going to miss it when we move.
We were however really bummed that we could not make it to my brother's farewell on Sunday in Pinedale. He is leaving on May 21st to the MTC for his mission to Spain. I don't remember the name of the city, but I'm proud of him that he is going. We have arranged a way so that Nate and I can say goodbye to him. On friday, they will be driving through to Flagstaff to go to Utah and we will be there already so we will see him for a minute and say goodbye there. I am also very proud of my brothers for being awarded their Eagle Scout awards last week too. They are awesome boys. I am glad I will be living closer to them.
Now, we are in panic packing mode and hope this is all over soon. We hardly have half of the apartment packed. We will be loading a Uhaul trailer tonight with some help of some men in our ward and then at one oclock tomorrow when I get off work, we will drive to Durango and stay the night there. Then we will have to head off on Thursday morning early so that we can be able to check in by 2 oclock that afternoon.
Hopefully my next post will be soon and I will have pictures of our new place and saying goodbye to Tyler. Happy Summer!

1 comment:

Kara said...

Dang, I can't believe you're moving already. Good luck with everything, hope to hear from you again soon! Give Tyler a hug for me!