December 1, 2008


For Thanksgiving this year, we went to Colorado!!! We hadn't been there since we have moved so we were so excited to go. We stayed with my dad in Durango for the weekend and had a total blast. On Thanksgiving day, we started off at Mimi's house where we stuffed our faces to no end. The food was so good and it was alot of fun to see everyone.

Taylor and Mikayla catching snowflakes
It snowed almost the whole day

The parents talking

Mimi cleaning up

Playing games

After we stayed at Mimi's house for a few hours, we decided to head on over to Aunt Cindy's house and see the other side of our family. We missed the eating part but we got to eat some pies there. And not just any pies, but the best ever made by our very special Granny. While we were there, we talked and played Mexican train dominoes (i think that's what its called) and ate. It was so nice to see everyone. I was sad to leave though because we never get to see them because we live so far away and just being there for a few hours was not enough. Here are a few pictures from while we were there.

Uncle Dale, Aunt Dulce, Jordan and his girlfriend

Granny and Aunt Cyble

Eating pies

Helping Grandma Swanemyr out to the car

Playing Mexican train dominoes

Well, we thought Thanksgiving was over for us, but the next night, Granny and everyone that was at her house, came over to Dad's house for dinner the next night. That was really nice for all of us. We ate Navajo tacos, which were soooo good, and talked for a while and then Aunt Dulce saw Nate's tuba sitting downstairs and wanted to hear him play it, so there was a little show too. I was so glad we got to see them again before we left. I wanted to post this so that there was something new and I will get the rest of the pictures up soon.
After that night, we really just hung out all day Saturday. We went to Serious Texas BBQ, where they have the best taco's in the world. I love that place. We also went to the movie Four Christmas's. I would recommend seeing it if you haven't. Then we just spent the rest of the night with our family and then got up Sunday morning and left. We miss everyone so much and we are so glad we went and wish we could go more often.


Kara said...

Thanks for the Thanksgiving update and all the pictures! It makes me even more excited to go home- tomorrow!!! I think we might get our wish and have snow too- Nathan will be so excited. Have a fun Christmas- we'll miss you!

Kara said...

So glad you came. It's always good to see you, but you never seem to get to stay long enough. I always say that I'll take what I can get though. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and looking forward to seeing you next year.
Love ya heaps,