September 5, 2009

I am a bad blogger

I am very sorry for the bad blogging. I get my morning sickness at night usually so when I come home from work, I think about nothing but laying on my couch and feeling better and not looking at a computer screen anymore. I did a really good job of cleaning my house yesterday, so today I am going to update my blog! We haven't been up to much of anything lately. There are a few posts below that were big events but, other than that it has just been work and now school for Nate.
I have been really busy at work and I don't know what happened that made me have something to do all the time, but it's nice and I enjoy working there.
Other than the normal stuff going on. I am just growing a belly and it's now noticeable to everyone and they tell me how cute it is and so the fact that I am pregnant is sinking in more. I am trying to be really patient and wait for the baby to kick so that I have a constant reminder and a peace of mind that my baby is still in there. We get to find out September 12th whether we are having a boy or a girl!!! I of course want a girl and Nate of course wants a boy, but we will see what happens. We will be so happy either way. I am trying to be really good and not buy stuff until I know what I am having. So far, I am doing really good at just looking and not buying. I can't wait though.
The only other exciting thing that I we are really excited for is that we get insurance starting this week!!!! I can only sign up for insurance at certain times at work, so I got signed up and we are effective September 1st. This will be such a blessing for us not only because we are having a baby and it's not cheap, but because now Nate can go to the doctor when he needs to and I don't have to worry so much about him. I am so excited.
Below are some updated pregnant pictures at 16 weeks.
These pics were taken on the same night but my belly is two different sizes, wierd
Nate wanted to compare who had the bigger belly.


The Rector Clan said...

Looks like Nate is winning! Don't worry, you'll catch up soon! :) My husband is still winning the belly contest and I'm 30 weeks...I'm sure I'll pass him up at the end. LOL

Jaynah Busher said...

You are the cutest prego girl ever :) don't forget to keep updating!

ps -

now you have ours too, easily accessible..

collegegirl19 said...

you're so cute brooke! Yay! I can't wait til my new little cousin comes!