September 12, 2009

Today was the day...

We found out whether we were having a boy or a girl. Alot of people thought we were having a girl and I wanted a girl but our gut feeling was boy.

Well, it's a BOY!!!!

The arrow is showing that he is clearly a boyside picture
top look of his face and stomachhis little feet(this is probably my favorite picture)

I couldn't believe everything we saw today. They checked everything to make sure the baby was growing right and measuring out right and i couldn't believe how much he was moving around in there. I haven't really been able to feel him yet but now I am afraid to because it seemed like he was just trying to get out of there. It was such a sweet experience and we just couldn't help but smile the whole time.
We have already picked out a name for the little guy and we are so excited to start buying stuff now. I have been very patient and now reality is starting to sink in with me that this is really happening.


Kara said...

Congrats! You know how I feel about boys! I'm glad reality is sinking in, cause before you know it, he'll be here and you'll wonder what life was like without him! Check out Children's Place for cute boy clothes if you have one. If not, online shopping is great too. They have good sales, I can teach you the tricks!

Kelly said...

Congratulations! We waited until Zak was born to find out if he was a boy or girl. I wanted a girl, but I had that same gut feeling it was a boy in there. They're all wonderful.