December 7, 2010

Nice People

The other night we decided to go out to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.  We were excited because it was a night out for us, but after we were there for a little bit, it wasn't as fun anymore.  Kayton wasn't doing very well and he wouldn't sit in his chair and he is teething now so that made it worse.  While we were sitting there trying to calm him down, we were trying to remember each other and we were holding hands and smiling at each other but then a little later I knew I was looking mad and frustrated and just wanted to get our food to go and leave.  Well, there was a couple sitting next to us and they finished eating before we got our food and when they got up, the wife came to our table and told us that we were such a cute couple and that we had such a cute baby and to remember that when we got home and after he went to bed, that we should just try to recreate the night of sorts.  It was so sweet and I had such a better attitude the rest of dinner.  I felt bad that I looked like such a terrible mother, but that lady just made my night by telling us that.  There are nice people out there that we don't know. 

1 comment:

Kelly said...

There's no way you looked like a terrible mother. We all get that way, and that lady had been there herself and knew how you were feeling, that's all. Just think, in a few years you'll be the nice lady offering courage and comfort to young mothers. I always have to remind myself when things get like that, that the other people looking on aren't judging you to be a terrible mother, they're looking on with sympathy.