May 27, 2011

30 weeks

Yup, I am now 30 weeks along and I have had one heck of a ride so far to say the least.  I haven't gained as much weight as I did last time which is fine since it was mostly all water weight.  Just the last few days I have has been harder to be up for a long time and then I feel like I am having contractions a little bit.  Thankfully, Nate has been wonderful in helping me and it's great that school is out so that this is the only thing that stresses him out.  Over the weekend, I did get an infection, bladder infection, and it was a Sunday so the on-call doctor told me to go to the hospital and get it checked out.  Thankfully we were able to get tested and caught it early enough before it turned into a kidney infection.  I have been feeling many more pains this pregnancy and I can't get a good night sleep to save my life so it's been really hard for me to want to do anything lately.  I just keep thinking that it's all training for when the next baby gets here.  That part is freaking me out too.  I feel like I am totally not ready for this kid yet.  I need to go get all the old baby stuff out of storage and get it all set up and then we are going to work on rearranging things this week so we can get the baby in our room.  In 2 weeks I go in for an appointment and they are going to do another ultrasound to make sure that the placenta is still moving up like it should and then it's going to be appointments every two weeks now.  I am so nervous about becoming a mom of two, especially two boys.  Any advice from anyone is always welcomed. 


Kara said...

Sorry I'm so behind on your blog! I can't believe you're 30 weeks! It's going by fast for me- but it sounds like it could go by faster for you in some ways. Don't stress about having two kids- it's not that bad! It will be a little hard at first, but you'll get the hang of it and make it work. Just don't expect too much and put so much pressure on yourself. If you don't get dressed or leave the house, it's ok! You just have to survive for awhile. Just keep Kayton on his schedule and napping and that will be your sanity. The newborn will be on his own schedule for awhile anyway and you just have to go with that. It'll be fine- no worries!

Mary said...

You look great!