June 19, 2011

16 months

  • Says words - mostly Dada, hi, eyes, uh-oh, Mama, ball, this, tree, Iley (for his friend named Riley, she calls him KayKay)
  • Loves to wave at people especially to my Dad while we are on Skype with him
  • He is really working on getting the hang of eating with silverware, it's still really messy, but he loves to use them.  He sometimes refuses to eat unless he can do it himself
  • He loves to play outside and especially go down slides and bounce on the teeter toter
  • He still likes to watch Mickey Mouse
  • He doesn't like to hold still for anything
  • He folds his arms for prayer
  • He sings along to some music by saying "ba, ba, ba, ba"
  • He waves his arms during songs still like he is conducting
  • He likes to play with sticks and point to trees
  • Everyday I see something that just reminds me more and more that he is just a mini Nate, we really should have named him Nathan Jr.
  • It's easiest to make him laugh when it's late at night like an hour before he goes to bed.  He just gets this surge of energy and laughs at almost anything
  • He is still a bit of a klutz when it comes to walking.  It seems like his forehead ALWAYS has a bruise right in the center
  • He loves to take baths and play in the water
  • I've lost count but I think he has 13 teeth now
  • He is a toddler now and not a baby and I have a hard time letting that sink in

1 comment:

Christina said...

So handsome! Love that first pic of him. He looks so grown up!