August 27, 2011

18 months

My little boy is now a big 18 month old boy.  I am having a hard time with him being so big cuz I still see him as my baby.  He is so much fun though.
  • He is almost a pro at walking on stairs.
  • He loves to play with balls and be outside, doing anything.  He loves to go down slides at the playground and bounce on the little horse toys that they have.  
  • He is working on the talking stuff.  He knows a lot of words and says about 10 or so on his own, but he is doing really good at starting to repeat words that we tell him to.  He still hasn't learned some letters like s or r and he sometimes will say words backwards or mix up the letters a little bit.  It's really cute.  I got some flash cards for like a dollar at Target and we have been working on letters and objects with those.  He loves them.  He also likes to go around and point to things and then have me tell them what it is.  
  • He is such a good big brother.  He loves to hold Merrick and look at him and say hi.  He has to tell him good night before he goes to bed.  Whether he needs it or not, Kayton will usually bring me Merrick's pacifier and blanket if he is crying or just because he found it.  He calls him baby cuz he can't say Merrick yet. 
  • He is doing really good at feeding himself.  Sometimes he won't eat unless he can do it himself.
  •  He likes to watch his kid shows and movies.  He doesn't sit for too long during the movie but he likes when I turn it on.  
  • He is officially in nursery and he is doing good.  He has a hard time sitting still for lessons and singing activities which we need to work on with him, but he has so much fun and it makes church so much more enjoyable.
  • We are finally free of his pacifier.  Even though it's in his mouth in the picture, he really is.  We only had one and one day we couldn't find it so we just finally had to cut him off.  It was hard for a while, but I'm glad we did it.  
At his appointment he was:
26 lbs 4 oz (50th percentile)
35 in long (95th percentile)
Definitely big for his age.

1 comment:

Mary the Mommy said...

I did a double take when I first looked at your blog today. I saw you and Nate and three kids at the top...wait a minute! You don't have three kids! Then I realized that it was two pictures put together....Whew! Glad I didn't miss out on something big like that.