January 2, 2012

We moved!

It finally happened.  We moved from Flagstaff to Show Low! Nate had his last final on Thursday the 15th and we got tons of help from people and we got our Uhaul that morning and loaded it.  It took longer to get the few little things and clean up than I thought it would, but we did it and after saying goodbye to our few friends in Flagstaff, we all got in the car and drove to Show Low that night. We stayed at our friends house that night and then the next day, Friday, we had some painting at our new house that we wanted to get done before we got our furniture in.  So that was what we did all day Friday.  Then on Saturday, we had help from our friends to move all our furniture in.  It was a bitter sweet experience.  There is a lot about Flagstaff I am going to miss.  We lived there for 3 and a half years and we loved our ward and now that I am in Show Low, I realize how awesome it was to live in a complex where I could just go next door for friends to play with and see them every day.  I don't think I will have that any more. There is more shopping stores in Flagstaff too and I will miss having some of those stores close by.  I feel very secluded here.  I love having family here though.  Just in our first week here, we have seen so many friends and family that it makes me more happy to be here.  I had a very difficult time with the move at first because it was such a big change for my day to day routine and I am scared of finding friends my own age with kids to hang out with. I forgot to get a final picture of us in Flagstaff, but I know we will go back for Nate to walk at graduation.  For now, we are settling here very well and it's amazing how much stuff we have and that we filled up a 1200 sq ft doublewide trailer and we only had a 600 sq ft apartment.  We love it though and even though the trailer park is run down, our actual trailer is very nice.         
this is how they helped me pack

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