February 1, 2012

Merrick - 6 months

Holy cow.  My little Merrick is 6 months old.  He just gets cuter and cuter everyday.  The time is definitely going by much faster with him than with Kayton.  We don't have our new doctor established yet for him, so I don't have his growth stuff yet, but I wanted to record some of his milestones right now.

-He is army crawling, he hates trying to sit up so he just crawls around with his arms and leans on one side when he wants to do some kind of sitting up.
-He spits. He does it randomly, but all the sudden he will be crying really hard or be really happy and he will just put his lips together and make spitting noises.  It's cute and I'm trying to get a video of it soon.
-It is very easy to make him laugh when he is tired.  We have the most fun with him right before bedtime.
-He still isn't sleeping through the night.  I don't know why but he will still wake up on average twice.  Lately he has gotten in this bad habit of waking up for like an hour and a half at random times.  It's not cool.
-He is eating solid foods.  He loves it when we let him suck on a breadstick.  He gets so mad when I have to take it away because it's so wet that he might get a big chunk of it off.  When he eats off his spoon, he tries to suck it off the spoon like he sucks milk out of a bottle.  And yay, he is drinking out of a bottle now when I choose to make one for him.
-He loves Kayton.  He gets a good kick when Kayton jumps on our bed and he watches or when he is dancing.  He just loves to watch Kayton and play with him.
-He loves to take baths.
- He loves to use cups as toys and water bottles and stuff.  He is in that phase of everything goes to his mouth.
-We think he is working on his teething but we don't see anything yet.
-His smile is so sweet and we love him to pieces

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