February 15, 2012


Well, we are here in Show Low now.  We are all settled in and trying to adjust well.  Nate is loving his student teaching and it makes him so happy which has made a big difference for us personally.  He student teaches with Laura Scholten and the do 2 band or orchestra classes in the mornings at the junior high and then they go out to one of the elementary schools in the afternoon to do general music classes.  She has been really great to him and we couldn't have asked for things to go better.  I am just doing the at home stuff right now.  I am trying to do babysitting and I have one kid right now but I don't know if that is going to last much longer just because his mom's schedule is so hard, but if that doesn't work out I will try to find another person to watch.  
We have settled into our new ward and we have already spoken in church and gotten callings.  I play the piano for Relief Society and Nate is the assistant Cub Scout Master, basically just helps out with pack meetings and the monthly stuff.  Everyone in our ward is so friendly and I have already decided that we can't move out of this ward.  
Since it's still cold we pretty much just hang out inside all day and maybe break out to go to the store once in a while.  There is a little kids story/activity time at the library on Wednesday mornings and I really try to make it to that every week and then some days we will go play on the play set at McDonald's.  It's quite an adjustment from going to having friends right next door to see and play with every day.  We are doing good though and hope that this is something permanent for us. 

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