February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

 This was a great Valentine's Day for us.  
We split it up between Saturday and Tuesday so that we could do what I wanted.  
On Saturday we got someone to babysit the kids and we went to the temple for the first time in a long time, which was amazing.  Then on our way home we stopped and got some Subway for lunch and sat and ate together.  It was the longest I have been away from the kids since Merrick was born.  It was great.  So that was what I wanted to do for our day off on Saturday.

Then on Tuesday we did our normal stuff and I tried to get a cute picture of the kids, but it only worked out ok.  

Then that night we cooked ourselves a nice steak dinner and went to Dairy Queen for ice cream as a family and it was really nice to spend the night with the kids.  

dinner with 2 of my valentines 

His first time eating ice cream
I love him!
We didn't really do much gift wise this year, but I did try to do a 14 days of Valentines for Nate by putting little Valentines in his lunch and by the bed or something.  Nate got me a nice necklace that is some nice stone from New Mexico or something like that.  It's really cool. And, thanks to Nana and Papa, the kids got some great Valentines and treats. 
Hear Attack the bed
Happy Valentines Day everyone!  

And also, Happy 100 year birthday to Arizona!  I don't know where this is from, but I liked it.  

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