December 4, 2012


Thanksgiving was awesome for us.  Nate didn't have school the day before so we got up and got ready to leave just after lunch and head to Show Low.  We decided to have Thanksgiving with the Whipples this year.  We didn't have enough money to go to Colorado and our other families in were in the valley.  We are pretty close with the Whipples and they had room for us so we went, and we wanted to be there for Marcia since her husband's passing.  It was just what we needed though.  We hung out with them Wednesday night and then Thursday was the big day.  I told them on the phone before we came that I wanted to help out with making dinner, but they just got in a groove doing their normal jobs and they didn't leave much for me to do.  I guess keeping the kids entertained was a good job.

They cooked the turkeys in a pit this year and they needed a little more time in the oven, but it was really good. Their daughter Gerryn raised the turkeys herself.   I've decided though that I prefer the side dishes more than anything during the holidays.

We enjoyed dinner and being around everybody then it was nap time.  The boys took naps, including Nate, and I ended up going to the store with one of the daughters to get a jump on Black Friday deals.  I didn't really plan anything for black friday this year, but I was there and got swept up in it all.  We got a good deal on some stuff and I always enjoy doing the hustle and bustle of it all.
After I went shopping in the afternoon, we decided to go see the Pratt's.  Their son from college was in town with his girlfriend who we really wanted to meet, so we went over there for a while before the boys had to go to bed.  We always love seeing them.  Then the rest of the night, I did Black Friday with Richelle at Walmart and then we got our husbands to join us to go to Kmart.  We used our birthday money to get Nate some B1G1 free shoes for Nate and I got some stocking stuffers for everyone.  I got done pretty early and the best part was that we were able to just leave the kids sleeping at the house and not have to worry about paying a sitter.  That alone was some of the best part of our weekend.
We decided to stay until Saturday afternoon, so on Friday we were blessed to leave the kids at the house and go to the temple and have a day date of sorts.  It was a much needed time for Nate and I to be together and I loved being in the temple.  Afterwards, we went to DQ for burgers.  I felt so rejuvenated after that and forgot how nice it was to be away from the kids.  The rest of the weekend was just relaxing and hanging out.  We had to be back for church on Sunday, so we left on Saturday afternoon and we were just so happy with the weekend we had.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 

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